Doctor Who: 10 Classic Who Memes That Will Make Devoted Fans Nostalgic

Doctor Who: 10 Classic Who Memes That Will Make Devoted Fans Nostalgic

Doctor Who has been around for decades. It has a fan base spanning all ages, a unique intertwining storyline, and an amazing selection of Doctors. If it weren’t for the show’s classic roots, Nu-Who wouldn’t have come around, and history would be missing one of its greatest shows.

The Classic Who series has Eight Doctors, a crazy selection of companions, and 26 seasons of adventures, providing plenty of brilliant meme content. Today, we’re diving into some of the best of it.

The Seventh Doctor’s Inconvenience

Doctor Who: 10 Classic Who Memes That Will Make Devoted Fans Nostalgic

The Seventh Doctor had some amazing episodes with interesting and unusual plot lines. He faced a society in which sadness was illegal and candy was made to kill in “Happiness Patrol.” He’s identified as Merlin, and must face The Destroyer in the alien meets Arthurian legend “Battlefield.” He faces killer cats and The Master in “Survival.” And of course, he has brilliant encounters with The Daleks and Cybermen. But The Seventh Doctor’s first appearance in “Time And The Rani” gets the better of him.

The First Regeneration

This meme has made a pretty accurate and humourous comparison to the first-ever Doctor regeneration. It was a simple yet mind-blowing transition. In the span of seconds and a flash of a white blur, the main character changed to a completely different actor.

And that was when the magic of Doctor Who began. With this risky and incredible move, the future of the show was open to endless possibilities and is the reason Doctor Who is around to this day.

The Third Doctor As A Sofa

With every new Doctor there comes a new outfit, and the range is as wild as The Doctors are different. Watching crossover episodes is like watching a weirdly fashionable fashion disaster. There have been question mark vests, celery as a clothing garnish, a ridiculously long scarf featuring a wide array of colors (including mustard, camel, and purple), a pinstripe suit, Converse, and a bright multicolored coat considered by The Doctor as the “height of fashion.” This meme takes the fashionable Third Doctor and compares him to sofas, because why not?

The First Doctor

Doctor Who began in 1963. The Classic series ran until 1989, and The Nu-Who episodes revived the series in 2005. Doctor Who is different from many shows as fans can enter from many stages, forming a connection to their first Doctor and being introduced to the series through them. Christopher Eccleston was The Ninth Doctor, although he might appear as the first doctor to many fans. The First Doctor was brought to life by William Hartnell and was truly The First Doctor of the entire series.

Lost Footage

For Doctor Who fans who weren’t introduced to The Classic series or born at their time of release, watching all the episodes now is difficult. Due to the way programs were archived in the BBC in the 1960s and 70s, many of the episodes were lost in later years. Recently, many efforts have resulted in the restoration of early episodes through audio, animation, and looking for film in different locations.

The Sass

Doctor Who has always been sassy, it isn’t just a product of the Nu-Who series. To quote The Fourth Doctor’s line showing how well he keeps calm under pressure, “if you’re calling the butler, I’m very partial to tea and muffins.”

From the time the Seventh Doctor said “what a predictable response,” to the time he blew off the remains of his rival from his umbrella while saying “ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” the show’s sassy spirit has remained well and intact throughout the years.

The Pertwee Stare

It’s easy to find the connections between The Doctors when they are staring audience members right in the face. The Twelfth Doctor’s wide-eyed stare, for example, is similar to The Third Doctor’s facial expression. This meme has taken Pertwee’s stare and placed it with the Weeping Angels. It’s a funny crossover of Doctors facing their other reincarnations’ enemies.

Classic Who Monsters

The Classic Who series did the best with what they had on hand, making for some pretty imaginative aliens. They had some that were human-looking besides from some makeup and additional prosthetics, like the Drahvins, Moroks, Xerons, and Peladonians.  And then they had a whole collection of aliens that made viewers truly question what planet the costume designers were from. Cybermen, Koquillion, Solonians, and Zygons were outstanding and terrifying, giving homage to the phrase “behind the sofa” viewing.

The Love Of Unusual Phrases

Each Doctor has well-known lines associated with their regeneration. The First Doctor had a vibrant rotation of key terms and phrases, such as “nonsense,” “what’s that, my boy?” and “my dear.” The Second Doctor would say “oh my giddy aunt.”  The Third Doctor is often associated with “reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.”

Then there’s the Fourth Doctor and his iconic “would you like a jelly baby?” or the Fifth Doctor saying “brave heart,” and “sorry, must dash.” You also have the Seventh Doctor saying “fine,” and “somewhere there’s danger,” or the Eighth Doctor asking “who am I?” The list goes on, with catchphrases being used quite a lot in the Nu-Who series.

The Fourth Doctor’s Smile

Who can resist that smile? The Fourth Doctor was one of the fan favorites of The Classic Who series with a run of seven seasons. His contagious energy, his overly long scarf, memorable hat, and brilliant episode arcs placed him in the hearts of many viewers. He had some of the most terrifying and gothic-inspired adventures. His Doctor-companion relationship with Sarah Jane Smith was brimming with friendship and chemistry, creating one of the most iconic pairings of the series.