Doctor Strange’s Biggest Weakness is Obvious, But Makes Perfect Sense

Doctor Strange’s Biggest Weakness is Obvious, But Makes Perfect Sense

Warning: Spoilers for Thanos #2!Despite being one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe, Doctor Strange can be beaten pretty simply. Stephen Strange’s weaknesses are generally not easy to obtain, like in the case of the metal Mysterium, which acts as Doctor Strange’s version of Kryptonite, or damaging his hands. This new weakness, though, is far easier to pull off, almost too easy.

The easiest way to defeat Doctor Strange is simply to keep his mouth shut, as proven in Thanos #2 by Christopher Cantwell, Luca Pizzari, Ruth Redmond, and VC’s Cory Petit. Doctor Strange’s skills are put to the test in a knockdown, drag-out fight that sees the Sorcerer Supreme go to-to-toe with the Mad Titan.

Doctor Strange’s Biggest Weakness is Obvious, But Makes Perfect Sense

During their confrontation, all Thanos has to do to subdue Strange is to strangle him with his own cape, since Strange cannot cast a spell if he cannot speak. It is a simple solution, but an incredibly effective one that any villain can capitalize on, adding to Strange’s ever-growing list of weaknesses.

Thanos Recognizes Doctor Strange’s Biggest Weakness

Thanos grabs Doctor Strange

At this point in time, Strange is a member of a revamped Illuminati that includes Blue Marvel, Reed Richards, Iron Man, and Emma Frost. The new Illuminati has disguised Mistress Death as a woman named Roberta, a cashier convinced she’s living a normal life on Earth. The heroes work to prevent Thanos from reaching Mistress Death, but one by one, all the members of the Illuminati (and the Hulk, who just wants another rematch with Thanos) fall to the Mad Titan. Pretty soon into the altercation, it’s Doctor Strange’s turn to combat Thanos.

Almost immediately in the fight, Thanos is savvy enough to neutralize Strange’s mouth. Before the sorcerer can utter his first spell, Thanos grabs him and slams him face-first into the ground. “Quiet, magician,” Thanos demands. Then, before Strange has a chance to recover, Thanos reminds him that “One cannot speak spells if one cannot breathe.” He then proceeds to suffocate Strange with the doctor’s own cape. Thanos knows how important speaking is to spellcasting and makes sure to exploit it as a weakness from the start.

It Just Got Easier For Enemies to Beat Doctor Strange

Thanos chokes Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange’s other weaknesses can take time and effort to exploit. Mysterium is rare and difficult to obtain, and it takes effort to try to dismantle any man’s hands. What Thanos does, though, can be achieved as easily as covering his mouth with tape. Again, it sounds so simple and perhaps easier said than done. However, it’s not impossible to do, especially compared to other options. It just got much, much easier for Doctor Strange’s enemies to defeat him.