Doctor Strange Confirms Why Marvel’s Illuminati Must Remain a Secret

Doctor Strange Confirms Why Marvel’s Illuminati Must Remain a Secret

Warning: contains spoilers for Thanos #3!

Doctor Strange just confirmed why Marvel’s Illuminati must remain a secret. The Illuminati are one of the most powerful groups in the Marvel Universe, but have been dormant in recent years. Now, with the threat of Thanos once again unleashed on the cosmos, the Illuminati have returned, and in Thanos #3, Doctor Strange reveals why the group’s existence must never be known to the world at large.

Thanos #3 is written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Luca Pizzari and German Peralta. The Illuminati, including Doctor Strange, Emma Frost, Iron Man and the Blue Marvel, have descended on the city of Fresno, California, which is under siege by Thanos.

Doctor Strange Confirms Why Marvel’s Illuminati Must Remain a Secret

Doctor Strange cautions Emma against engaging Thanos on her own, saying that the Illuminati are stronger together, and in fact are so powerful together they must keep their existence a secret.

The Illuminati Have Been Instrumental in Many Major Marvel Events

Yet Their Existence Is Hidden From the Rest of the Marvel Universe

Image of Marvel's Illuminati. 

Introduced during Brian Michael Bendis’ mid-2000s New Avengers run, the Illuminati are a secret cabal of heroes, formed in the wake of the first Kree-Skrull War. The Illuminati were characters representing various groups in the Marvel Universe. For instance, Doctor Strange represented magic while Professor X spoke for mutants. Meeting in secret, the Illuminati would direct world events and make some truly hard decisions about Earth’s heroic community. Some of the Illuminati’s decisions would come back to haunt them, and the group would go inactive for a period. Recently, it reformed, adding the Blue Marvel and Emma Frost.

Regardless of who is a member, Doctor Strange is correct: the Illuminati are powerful. Each represents the best their field has to offer, such as Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, and Earth’s most powerful telepath, Professor X. The addition of both Emma Frost and the Blue Marvel gives the team a serious boost in both power and intellect, just in time for Thanos’ return. The Illuminati are able to hold their own against the Mad Titan, showing they are truly one of Marvel’s most powerful teams, out-classing the Avengers by far.

There Are Numerous Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding The Illuminati

The Illumianti Is Best Kep a Secret

The Illuminati meet for the first time in Marvel Comics.

Such power concentrated in the hands of a select few is bound to make waves and lead to questions such as accountability, so the Illuminati chose to hide their existence. Doctor Strange and the rest understood power dynamics and human nature, and knew other heroes such as Hawkeye or Thor would not stand for such a group. As if to prove a point, many of the hush-hush decisions the Illuminati made backfired on them, such as their decision to exile the Hulk. For now, the Illuminati are sticking to their old tactics, including keeping their existence a secret.

Thanos #3 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

Thanos #3 (2024)

Thanos #3 Preview page 1.
  • Writer: Christopher Cantwell
  • Artist: Luca Pizzari and German Peralta
  • Colorist: Ruth Redmond
  • Letterer: Cory Petit
  • Cover Artist: Lenil Francis Yu and Sunny Gho