Doctor Strange 2 Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Doctor Strange 2 Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

The multiverse has come alive in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The film has the titular character jump across universes to protect America Chavez in a story that features a blend of different personalities. Whether it’s the calculating members of the Illuminati or the courageous Wong, every character has distinct attributes and traits. 

The Hogwarts sorting system from the Harry Potter series is a great way to understand characters in depth. These focus on aspects like bravery, cunning, hard work, and intelligence relating to the Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw houses. There’s a high likelihood that characters like America, Scarlet Witch, among others will reappear in the MCU’s future, so it’s best to analyze how their personalities work.

Gryffindor: Wong

Doctor Strange 2 Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Gryffindors are defiant to the end, who go up against any threat with reckless abandon and carry a self-sacrificing nature. Wong channeled this against Scarlet Witch, openly mocking her despite being outmatched and continuing to fight her even after she’d nearly killed him twice.

Wong showed his sacrificing nature when he wanted to give his life instead of his subordinate at Kamar-Taj. Gryffindors feel strongly toward the concept of family, with Wong chastising Wanda over wanting to steal the Earth-838 Wanda’s children for her own.

Hufflepuff: America Chavez

America Chavez running on a street in Doctor Strange 2

There are some great America Chavez stories in Marvel Comics that viewers of the movie will want to check out. In Doctor Strange 2, America was a likable kid who just wanted to be left in peace. Much like the average Hufflepuff, America valued hard work, trust, and friendship.

Hufflepuffs don’t hold grudges for too long, with America letting go of her negative opinion of the Stephen Stranges of the multiverse when she realized how good Doctor Strange was. Her hardworking trait showed up when she truly focused to control her powers, in addition to training at Kamar-Taj at the conclusion of the film.

Slytherin: Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch meditating in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Doctor Strange 2 adds to the list of Scarlet Witch appearances in the MCU, but she was very much unlike herself this time around. She displayed the evil Slytherin trope of selfishness and cruelty, being along the lines of Lord Voldemort in how trigger-happy she was with claiming lives.

Slytherins can also feel a great attachment to their families, which they don’t extend toward others. Scarlet Witch only cared about the children she saw as her own while she killed those who stood in her way. Slytherins are also usually the most powerful and cunning, which were traits Scarlet Witch easily portrayed by destroying people through the multiverse.

Slytherin: Karl Mordo

Karl Mordo talking to Doctor Strange in Multiverse of Madness

Slytherins are opportunists by nature and look toward self-preservation more than anything. The Earth-838 version of Karl Mordo qualified for the house because all he wanted was to usurp Doctor Strange in status, so much so that he didn’t even join the other Illuminati against Scarlet Witch.

The Slytherin attribute of self-preservation showed up when he left the Illuminati to perish and he will most definitely capitalize on being the only left alive now. His Slytherin cunning showed up when he fooled Doctor Strange and America into initially trusting him before capturing the pair successfully.

Gryffindor: Professor X

Professor X's hand on his wheelchair in Doctor Strange 2

There’s a great history concerning Professor X in Marvel Comics, although mainstream fans would not have been aware of his association with the Illuminati. The Earth-838 Professor X was different from the other members, in that he portrayed the Gryffindor trait of placing great trust in people’s fighting spirits.

Professor X asked Doctor Strange to leave with America because he believed in him, which was similar to Albus Dumbledore’s personality. Gryffindors jump into dangerous situations even if they are likely to fail, which is how Professor X perished when he dared to enter Scarlet Witch’s mind before he was killed off.

Slytherin: Illuminati

Captain Marvel flying and attacking in Doctor Strange 2

Slytherin is the house most connected to hubris because its members can become arrogant with their superior talents. The Illuminati were a bit full of themselves, with everyone apart from Professor X wanting to kill Doctor Strange because they thought they knew everything about the multiverse.

They also portrayed the Slytherins’ knack for underestimating people, with the members getting slain by Scarlet Witch when they boasted about defeating her. Slytherins can feel as if they know better than most, which ended up biting the Illuminati back when they were dead wrong about how strong Scarlet Witch was.

Slytherin: Christine Palmer

Doctor Strange, America Chavez, and Christine Palmer in a tunnel

Benedict Cumberbatch and Rachel McAdams are actors who had great chemistry in this movie, as they portrayed the affection and reluctant distance between their characters. Both versions of Christine in Doctor Strange 2 played into the Slytherin mentality of putting their needs before the rest.

Not all Slytherins are evil in their self-serving ways, and the MCU Christine displayed this when she married someone who didn’t have the baggage Doctor Strange did. The Earth-838 Christine similarly placed more importance on her multiversal research rather than love for Strange, which Slytherins will relate to because they choose personal happiness first and foremost.

Ravenclaw: Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange looking shocked

Ravenclaws think out of the box to come up with solutions others aren’t capable of seeing. Doctor Strange displayed this when he took control of his deceased counterpart in a move that shocked everyone. He was also the only variant capable of outsmarting Scarlet Witch.

Ravenclaws can be perceived as distant or overly logical, which is the reason why Doctor Strange’s relationship with Christine couldn’t work out. Ravenclaws also don’t look for glory and are content with gaining knowledge, with Doctor Strange learning about the multiverse at the end of his journey without ever asking anyone to be thankful to him.