District 9’s Ending Explained

District 9’s Ending Explained

District 9‘s ending brings a story of class inequality to a heartbreaking and explosive conclusion. Decades of unrest due to an alien encounter is solved, even if it’s just temporary. Here’s a breakdown of everything that happens in District 9‘s ending.

In 1982, a spaceship arrives out of the blue in Johannesburg, South Africa. A million aliens, cruelly nicknamed Prawns by locals, emerge from the ship. The aliens are moved to a camp called District 9 and it eventually becomes something of an alien slum. Human locals grow increasingly unhappy with the camp, calling the alien residents filthy and lawbreakers. Weapons manufacturer Multinational United is sent in to evict the aliens from their camp and move them out of the city. Employee Wikus van de Merwe is tasked with leading the relocation.

While he’s onsite, Wikus accidentally exposes himself to alien fuel. This prompts him to slowly transform into an alien, which gives him a taste of life on the other side. District 9 poses some interesting social commentary that forces the audience to think about the movie’s real meaning as well, which allows it to go beyond the realm of just another sci-fi thriller.

Do The Aliens Get Evicted From District 9? 

District 9’s Ending Explained

While District 9 is full of aliens, the found footage film just focuses on two — Christopher Johnson and his son CJ. At the beginning of the film, Wikus attempts to serve an illegal eviction notice to Christopher’s friend Paul. Little did he know, Paul and the father-son duo were working on an escape plan. They had been treated so cruelly during their time on Earth that they were looking for their own escape plan. Paul is shot in cold blood, so Christopher and CJ continue the plan alone.

When Wikus begans his transformation into an alien, he takes refuge in District 9. Christopher and CJ take him under their wing. Their kindness proves that the humans’ cruelty was completely unearned. Wikus eventually helps them escape, but unfortunately it is just the two of them that manage to slip out. The rest of the alien population is moved to a camp called District 10. The new camp is supposed to be better than District 9, but the prejudice toward the aliens will undoubtedly continue in this new camp. It proves that class inequality is a vicious cycle with no end in sight.

What Happens to Wikus in District 9?

Wikus in District 9

When audiences meet Wikus in the beginning of the film, he appears to be a kind enough man. But he still works for a weapons manufacturer that plans to evict the aliens without the required 24-hours notice. In the context of District 9, Wikus is considered to be a high class citizen, simply because he’s a human. When he begins his transformation into an alien, his company plans to perform medical experiments on him to learn more about his emerging alien DNA. So he has no choice but to take shelter in the slums of District 9.

Christopher and CJ take him in and vow to heal him. Wikus gets a taste of life on the other side. He realizes that the alien lives are worth just as much as his, so he essentially sacrifices himself so Christopher and CJ can escape. The final shot of the film shows that Wikus has fully transformed into an alien and leaves anonymous gifts at his wife’s door to show he’s still thinking of her. Audiences might eventually learn more about Wikus, as director Neill Blomkamp has said he’d like to finish the Wikus/Christopher story.

The Real Meaning of District 9’s Ending

Wikus transforms into an alien District 9

District 9 is a blatant allegory for class inequality. The aliens represent the poor and the human population represents the wealthy. The aliens are barely hanging on in their meager existence in District 9. Yet the humans consider their camp an eye sore and want it out of their city. Wikus’s transformation is significant because it allows a wealthy member of society to see what life is like below the poverty line. District 9‘s ending proves that society could be a little more harmonious if the wealthy treated the poor with a little more kindness and understanding.