Disney’s Tangled: 10 Memes That Will Leave Any Disney Fan Cry-Laughing

Disney’s Tangled: 10 Memes That Will Leave Any Disney Fan Cry-Laughing

Disney’s Tangled is a beloved retelling of the classic Rapunzel tale with a twist. It was fun and uplifting in a way that only Disney knows how to pull off. Fans of the franchise love this film and share their appreciation for its antics in a variety of ways.

One of these methods they use is to create original memes that leave Disney fans with something to laugh about. Scenes from the film have been put into various contexts that viewers can relate to, which makes it even more hilarious. Keep reading to see the Tangled memes that will leave any Disney fan cry-laughing for hours.

Social Media Creates Stalkers

Disney’s Tangled: 10 Memes That Will Leave Any Disney Fan Cry-Laughing

Social media users are always wary of those who send them friend requests, especially when they work to keep their accounts private. Stalkers do exist, and it often sets users on edge when they receive a friend request from someone without any connection to them.

It makes this meme all the more relatable as fans find themselves with their own frying pans ready to dig up some answers.

Hiding From Life

It is often easier to hide from all that life throws at a person, rather than have them wrap their head around it in order to find a solution. This year especially has given people stress and anxiety as they deal with personal life responsibilities on top of a global pandemic.

Fans will laugh at this one for days as they see themselves in the looks on their faces every time one of these topics comes up.

Fictional Deaths Are Difficult

Whether it be in a book or in a film, fictional deaths can take a toll on a person’s mental stability. They are left distraught as they deal with their death due to the emotional attachment they formed with the character over time.

Fans often feel like Rapunzel in this scene as their friends fail to understand the total extent of the situation.

A Crush Is A Big Deal To Your Friends

Friends try to be supportive in the name of love, and they often push a person to make their feelings known. It is similar to the relationship between Flynn and Maximus the horse in this scene with their playful banter.

They always mean well, but it is embarrassing, especially if a crush catches the altercation. Fans find this meme hilarious as they relate to it in their own lives as they have their own pushy friends.

Not Everyone Grows Hair

It is often craved by men and women alike to have flowing locks of hair, but that isn’t always the case. Some people have thin hair, and others find themselves going bald at a young age.

It is what makes this meme so funny as fans laugh at the ridiculousness of such a young child having a full head of hair.

Signals Are Overrated

It is not uncommon for someone to take a subtle gesture as a sign that their crush likes them. It could be as simple as a glance in their direction and it will have them instantly convinced that feelings are there between them.

This meme describes the reactions of friends perfectly as they try to reign in another who takes these signals to a whole other level.

Pets Don’t Always Enjoy Bonding Time

Bonding with a pet can be an enjoyable experience for the owner, but the pet often doesn’t see it the same way. It can be fun to dress them up in cute outfits, paint their nails, or force them to cuddle, although animals don’t see it that way.

They are often left with a dull and annoyed expression on their face that says more than enough about their feelings toward these sessions. Fans will find themselves laughing hysterically at this meme as they do the same to their own pets.

Haircuts Can Be Scary

Many often go into a salon and ask for the hairdresser to only trim off the dead ends. Sometimes they listen, but more often than not they go a bit overboard.

Many go home wondering what they have done as they stare at their new short hair in the mirror. Fans can’t help but laugh at this meme as it describes this event perfectly with the two images of Rapunzel.

Disney Theme Parks Give Us Big Dreams

A visit to one of Disney’s theme parks is an unforgettable experience that often leaves both adults and children alike with unattainable dreams.

Many often find themselves dreaming of owning a castle as Flynn Rider does. It is definitely out of most people’s reach, but it is a hilarious dream that everyone can laugh about.

Waking Up For School Is No Fun

It is never easy to wake up for school, as children learn to hate the institution that assigns them homework and enforces discipline. Many children often feel like Rapunzel as they hide underneath their blankets as their parents throw open all of the curtains.

It can be infuriating at times, but it also allows many to laugh at this meme as they reminisce on these childhood memories.