Disney’s Live-Action Sword In The Stone Remake Gets Disappointing Update From Director

Director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo has offered a disappointing update for Disney’s live-action action remake of The Sword in the Stone. The 1963 animated classic told the story of a young King Arthur as he is trained for his destiny by the wizard Merlin. A live-action remake went into development in July 2015, with Fresnadillo attached as director by 2018.

However, speaking with Screen Rant about his upcoming film Damsel, Fresnadillo revealed the live-action remake of The Sword in the Stone is currently not being produced. The director admits he is unsure of the project’s future, but would like to bring what he learned directing his latest fantasy film to the table for the Disney classic. Check out what Fresnadillo had to say below:

That was a project that I was attached to years ago, but it was put on hold. From this day, to be honest with you, I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I think it’s a great project and a great story that needs to be told, but I don’t know what is gonna happen. Let’s see; fingers crossed.

As you can imagine, with all these movies, you never know when it’s going to happen. I really hope that Disney greenlight the movie, but right now, I don’t know anything about it. Also, the experience that I have now after [Damsel] would be would be fantastic to apply to The Sword in the Stone, for sure.

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