Disney: MBTI® Of Alice In Wonderland Characters

Disney: MBTI® Of Alice In Wonderland Characters

During the 1950s, Disney rebounded from an era of packaged vignette films made on the cheap during war times with a series of imaginative, eccentric movies that left audiences rapt and the Disney magic recaptured across the nation. Alice in Wonderland is arguably the most prominent example of this mindset, delving deeper into whimsy than Disney ever had before.

Based on Lewis Carroll’s classic novel, Alice in Wonderland has endured across the decades, even earning a live-action remake (and a sequel to that, too) in the modern era. This is thanks in large part to the colorful cast of characters who populate the looking glass. And, the notion of ascribing MBTI® personality types to them is just too juicy to resist.

Alice: ENTP

Disney: MBTI® Of Alice In Wonderland Characters

ENTPs on the MBTI® scale are most well-regarded for their curiosity. This is the character trait that most obviously represents the film’s lead, as it’s Alice’s curiosity that drives the entire story.

While ENTPs are known for being curious, they’re also capable of rising to any challenges in their way. Of course, it’s also a defining trait of Alice to conquer one hurdle at a time in Wonderland, leading eventually to a massive confrontation. But she wouldn’t have gotten there without her curiosity.

Mad Hatter: ESFP

There is no realm where the Mad Hatter does not, at least, align himself with the Extroverted label in the MBTI® system. Of course, he’s also clearly associated with ESFP when labeling him overall.

A wild soul, the Mad Hatter is brimming with energy and enthusiasm at all times. He says the first thing that comes into his head at all times, and has no apparent regard for the world around him, or even the fact that he exists in it. That’s an ESFP if there ever was one in the Disney canon.

March Hare: INFP

Disney rabbit

The Mad Hatter’s pal, the March Hare, is similarly spontaneous. However, he’s mostly tied into the characteristic because of his association with the Mad Hatter. As an individual, he’s more mediating and helps keep at least something resembling a calming presence to the unbirthday parties.

Can the March Hare be overeager and a bit overly energetic? Of course. But these are qualities that exist in tandem with his kindness and greater wherewithal, all of which are a part of any classic INFP descriptor.

Caterpillar: ISTJ

Disney cartoon

In Wonderland, the Caterpillar largely exists in his own capacity, doing his own thing, and not minding those who coexist with him. As such, he becomes a reliable presence, which connects directly with the ISTJ personality type.

Additionally, ISTJs are individuals who value practicality and logic above all else. While logic may be hard to come by in Wonderland, it’s the Caterpillar who most closely resembles the concept in the topsy-turvy world.

Cheshire Cat: ESTP

The Cheshire Cat smiling in Alice in Wonderland

Wonderland would not be nearly as topsy-turvy, however, without the presence of the Cheshire Cat. A somewhat mysterious figure, the Cheshire Cat always seems to turn up when people need their worst impulses encouraged.

In that sense, the Cheshire Cat embodies how opportunistic ESTPs can be, even in Wonderland. Not to mention, he takes any chance he can to live dangerously, which is a hallmark of his manic energy.

Queen Of Hearts: ENTJ

Queen Of Hearts

Most Disney villains will likely fall into the ENTJ category. It’s a personality type that prioritizes one’s ambition and will. The Queen of Hearts is clearly a strong-willed villain who does whatever it takes to get ahead in the world, even if it costs people their heads (and her, her soul).

ENTJs are not always evil, but they are typically quite bold. Considering how meek some of the film’s leads are, it’s no surprise that the Queen of Hearts directly juxtaposes many of their behaviors.

Tweedledum And Tweedledee: ISFP

The red, yellow, and blue boys

There is not much of a difference between Tweedledum and Tweedledee, as they are essentially clones of one another. However, their status as a product of inconceivably-fueled creativity leads them to being the resident ISFPs in Wonderland.

In the MBTI® scheme, ISFPs are typically referred to as “adventurers.” Considering Tweedledum and Tweedledee are always exploring new things and following original tasks, they make for useful ISFPs through the looking glass.

White Rabbit: ESFJ

The White Rabbit running and looking anxious in Alice in Wonderland

Few characters in the history of Disney animation are as anxiety-ridden as the White Rabbit. Always depicted with a look of anguish and panic on his face, the White Rabbit embodies the qualities of people who care so much about their work and are always profoundly eager to help, whenever possible.

These people are typically categorized under the MBTI® personality type of ESFJs. When one is an ESFJ, he is likely to do whatever is asked of him and to do it with speed and a smile. It’s a no-brainer to label the White Rabbit this way.

Alice’s Sister: ISFJ

Disney cartoon sibling character in Alice in Wonderland

Compared to many of the aforementioned figures of Wonderland, Alice’s sister is not as prominently featured. However, when comparing her to Alice, it’s clear that her characterization is largely defined by a reserved, contented nature and responsibility.

She may not be as keen to explore as Alice is, but she still radiates warmth and kindness for her loved ones. That’s an undeniable ISFJ way of being.

King Of Hearts: INFJ

Disney henchman

Like many Disney sidekicks and henchmen, the King of Hearts is much more delirious than his undoubtedly villainous counterpart. Due to his more forgiving nature (but still improper alignment), he’s a perfect fit for the INFJ side of the MBTI® scale.

He’s a timid personality, but still has leadership abilities. He does his best to do what’s right and this sense of idealism is profoundly tied to the INFJs of the world.