Disney: 5 Saddest (& 5 Funniest) Moments In Mulan

Disney: 5 Saddest (& 5 Funniest) Moments In Mulan

The recent release of Disney’s live-action Mulan has plenty of fans thinking back to the 1998 animated film, and for good reason. The original Mulan was a revelation for its time, taking a classic story and a princess tale and weaving in comedy and adventure in ways that quickly turned her into one of the most popular Disney princesses.

Mulan gave young girls a powerful character to look to, and her story offered plenty of laughs and tearjerker moments. A narrative steeped so heavily in war is bound to bring on the emotions, but Mulan’s quirky personality and the frequent comic relief strike a good balance throughout the film. So which moments from Mulan will get viewers in their feelings, and which will have them laughing until they cry?

Saddest: Reflection

Disney: 5 Saddest (& 5 Funniest) Moments In Mulan

Before Mulan even runs off to war, it’s fairly obvious that she doesn’t fit in — at least, not in the way she’s “supposed” to. As a young woman, she’s meant to be graceful and on the lookout for a husband, but Mulan shows none of the “feminine” qualities expected of her, and her matchmaker adamantly declares that she’ll never bring honor to her family.

This is what prompts the song “Reflection,” and it’s hard not to feel for Mulan as she sings her heart out. She feels like a disappointment to the people she loves most, and it’s difficult to watch her go through that self-doubt. Luckily, she does manage to bring honor to her family in the end — just not in the way they expected.

Funniest: Mulan Meets Mushu

Mulan meets Mushu

Voiced by Eddie Murphy, Mushu is undeniably the greatest source of comedy throughout Mulan, and his introduction doesn’t disappoint. Following Mulan in the hopes of regaining his own honor, Mushu introduces himself to his charge by attempting to make himself look more powerful than he really is. Watching Mushu make his shadow larger and declare that he’s “the Great Stone Dragon” is hilarious — and Mulan’s reaction only adds to the humor.

After Mushu’s meant-to-be intimidating display, Mulan’s horse quickly stomps on him. Mulan then asks why her ancestors sent a lizard to protect her — to which Mushu clarifies that he’s a dragon because he doesn’t do “that tongue thing.” Some of Mulan‘s best one-liners come from this moment, and it sets Mushu up to be one of the funniest characters in the film.

Saddest: Mulan Leaves For War

Mulan leaves for war

Having a family member summoned to war isn’t easy, but given that Mulan’s father is older and injured, her family is hit particularly hard by the call. That’s why Mulan decides to disguise herself as a man and go in her father’s place — to protect him and to fulfill what she believes is the only chance she’ll have at bringing honor to her family.

Mulan’s decision is enough to hit viewers right in the feels, but her parents’ reactions when they realize what she’s done are heartbreaking. Viewers may find themselves misty-eyed when her father runs out into the rain after her — and when he accepts that they have to let her go, since revealing her would get her killed.

Funniest: One Of The Guys

Shang Li asks Mulan for her name

One might think Mulan would have come up with a name and backstory on the way to illegally join the army disguised as a boy, but they’d be incorrect. Mulan doesn’t give much thought to the whole thing until she’s among the other soldiers — and by then it’s way too late. This leads to some comical exchanges as “Ping” introduces himself to his commander and comrades. (Chi-Fu doesn’t get much right, but he is correct that Mulan’s alter ego is acting like a “lunatic” in this particular moment.)

Mushu’s advice to help Mulan fit in with the guys is equally as hilarious, with him assuring her that men love being greeted by a punch in the face and a slap on the butt. Talk about making an entrance.

Saddest: The Ambush

Shang Li and his soldiers stumble upon a destroyed town

There are only a handful of moments in Mulan that truly delve into the severity of the war, and Shan Yu’s ambush is one of them. When Shang Li and his soldiers come upon a burned village, it’s a somber moment — one that’s made even worse by the realization that Shang Li’s father died defending that village.

It’s a harrowing scene for the characters and the audience, and its abruptness makes it all the more jarring. The fact that our lead characters would likely have died without Mulan’s quick thinking only adds to the seriousness of this moment. It’s certainly a 180 from the comedic song that plays just before.

Funniest: Going For A Swim

Mulan gets stuck swimming with the guys

As Mulan continues pretending to be Ping, she begins to make friends with her fellow soldiers — but she definitely could have done without the swimming session with them. Being joined by Chien-Po, Yao, and Ling while she’s enjoying a skinny dip may make Mulan uncomfortable, but it’s a comical moment for the audience, especially given how oblivious the rest of the guys are.

And Mulan’s sentiment that she never wants to see another naked guy again is matched by Mushu’s disgust at having to bite Ling’s butt to help her escape. The scene is hilarious in its entirety, and it’s a nice break from the more serious combat training.

Saddest: Mulan Is Discovered

Shang walks away from Mulan who is on the ground wrapped in a blanket.

It was a given that Mulan’s true identity would come to light at some point during the film, but that doesn’t make it any less sad watching Shang Li turn his back on her — especially after she just saved his life. (At least he let her live. That counts for something, right?)

Not only do Mulan’s comrades leave her on her own, but she’s forced to confront her own failures alongside Mushu and Cricket. And although there are a few great one-liners during their heart to heart, this moment remains on the sadder end of the spectrum.

Funniest: Girl Worth Fighting For

Mulan cast singing

Just about every song in Mulan is a bop, but “A Girl Worth Fighting For” makes light of the way the film’s men view women — all while having Mulan in the middle of it, trying and failing to keep up. The best moment from this song is probably Mulan’s question about whether the other guys would want “a girl who’s got a brain and always speaks her mind.” (The very quick consensus is a no.)

This song pokes fun at the unrealistic — and somewhat ludicrous — expectations men have when it comes to finding a wife, and it makes for a fun addition to an already-feminist movie.

Saddest: No One’s Listening

Mulan confronts Shang Li about the enemy

Even after being sent home, Mulan risks her life to warn the army and the emperor that Shan Yu and his men survived the avalanche and are heading to the palace. And though the audience may see this as an act of bravery and honor, Shang Li immediately dismisses her warning — something that will either make viewers sad or make them a little bit annoyed with Mulan’s love interest.

It’s equally as heartbreaking seeing everyone ignore Mulan’s frantic warnings because she’s a woman. Thankfully, her low moment doesn’t last long — but it’s enough to make viewers feel for her all the same.

Funniest: The Final Plan

Mulan's comrades dress up as women

Mulan’s plan to save the emperor during the last act of the film puts a twist on the movie’s premise, having her comrades dress up as women instead of her disguising herself as a guy. This moment is comical because of how much fun Chien-Po, Ling, and Yao seem to be having saving the day in dresses and makeup.

Of course, the reactions of Shan Yu’s men when they’re destroyed by a group of women with fruit falling out of their dresses is equally as hilarious. It makes for a great ending the movie, eliciting a few laughs before Mulan and Shang Li’s final showdown with Shan Yu.