Digimon is Actually Canon in Jujutsu Kaisen, & Gojo Proves it

Digimon is Actually Canon in Jujutsu Kaisen, & Gojo Proves it

One of Jujutsu Kaisen‘s most popular and famous characters, Gojo Satoru, is well known for his boastful, outgoing personality and eccentricities when interacting with others within Sorcerer society. In addition to his more obvious traits, there’s a fun fact about the over-powered character hidden in plain sight during the Gojo’s Past arc in the manga – that being that the character is a fan of the Digimon franchise.

In one crucial event from Gojo’s backstory arc, which can be found during Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 66, Gojo and Geto are being prepped by their teacher, Masamichi Yaga, for a mission that will not only change theirs lives, but Sorcerer society as a whole. While Yaga and Geto use lofty philosophical concepts to explain to Gojo why the mission must be completed, Gojo makes a reference to Digimon‘s Metal Greymons, Skull Greymons, and Koromons as a means of wrapping his head around what they’re actually discussing.

Jujutsu Kaisen’s Gojo Proves That Being a Digimon Fan Has Benefits

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 66: “Hidden Inventory, Part 2”

Digimon is Actually Canon in Jujutsu Kaisen, & Gojo Proves it

While Gojo’s reference does canonize Digimon within Jujustu Kaisen, it’s not just a casual, one-off mention or gag. It’s a short, but telling exchange that will help fans of Digimon, at least, quickly grasp an otherwise obtuse situation within the series. Gojo uses Digimon to explain his concerns Master Tengen, as well as the importance of keeping a balance between the world of cursed spirits and the human world. Since Tengen is immortal, as long as his body remains relatively young he can help Jujutsu sorcerers keep the cursed spirits at bay. However, if his body becomes too old, he will start to evolve into a cursed spirit. If that happens, he can be used by other cursed spirits to harm humanity. So to avoid this, every 500 years, he needs to find a young body to “possess” which resets his clock.

As Gojo explains it: the evolution of Master Tengen would be acceptable if he stopped at the Metal Greymon stage. Metal Greymons digivolved from an all-skin Digimon to an almost fully digitized, cyborg version. As a Metal Greymon, Tengen is a powerful ally because he still retains much of his rationality. However, if Tengen were to fully evolve, he’d be like a Skull Greymon, or a Digimon who digivolved into a form that lost the ability to think rationally. As a Skull Greymon, Tengen would be a danger to anyone he comes into contact with. As a result, Tengen needs to “de-digivolve” into a Koromon. Koromons are a rather harmless Digimon that can just blow foam at opponents, but who can digivolve into a number of stronger forms.

Gojo and Tengen discussing immortality and cursed spirits in JJK chapter 66

Not only is it an explanation that even a five-year old could understand, but it also shows that Gojo is a true Digimon, or else his references would be confusing and misinformed. It makes sense that Gojo is a fan of the franchise, too. Firstly, like the DigiDestined, Sorcerers are empowered with powers and devices that they use to combat evil beings from another dimension. Second, only someone with the same level of passion, willpower, and fortitude that Digimon fans have for a franchise that so routinely gets ridiculed and ignored can rise to the very top of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

Jujutsu Kaisen is now available from Viz Media.