Did John Boyega Confirm A Skywalker Twins Reunion?

Did John Boyega Confirm A Skywalker Twins Reunion?

John Boyega may have unintentionally confirmed twins Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa will be reunited in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. While the original big three of Luke, Leia, and Han Solo all appeared in The Force Awakens, they were no longer the close-knit family that saved the galaxy together during the Galactic Civil War. Thirty years after Return of the Jedi, Luke was in self-imposed exile on the remote planet Ahch-To following Ben Solo’s turn to the dark side. As a result, he did not share any scenes with his old friends – giving Han’s death another layer of tragedy in the process.

The fact the sequel trilogy won’t have Luke and Han reconnect is a bitter pill for many to swallow (including Mark Hamill), and now many are hoping Skywalker gets a chance to see Leia again in The Last Jedi. A reunion of the famous siblings had the potential to be one of the most emotional sequences in the entire saga – even before Carrie Fisher’s untimely passing in December 2016. Fisher’s death has given many aspects of Episode VIII a whole new meaning, and because it will sadly be her final turn as Leia, viewers want to see Fisher with Hamill onscreen. From the sound of things, that could be in the cards.

In an interview with THR on their Awards Chatter podcast, Boyega (who reprises Finn in the sequel) discussed Fisher’s performance and his reaction watching her scenes. He previously talked about how The Last Jedi gives the legend a fitting sendoff, but these comments make it seem like Fisher will appear alongside Hamill at some point:

“I think the sendoff is really cool. Even before she passed away, I’d see her in scenes and be like, ‘This is really cool for both Carrie and Mark, who are the last two original leads [alive in the franchise]. I felt like they deserve more and more — they’ve been doing this for a while and have been the beating heart of something special, and I just feel like [The Last Jedi] pays homage to them in general. But unfortunately, now that she’s passed, it does have a deeper meaning. I think the fans are going to appreciate that.”

Did John Boyega Confirm A Skywalker Twins Reunion?

It’s difficult to say for sure the context of Boyega’s comments, as he could simply be referring to the expanded roles Luke and Leia both have in Episode VIII. However, Lucasfilm’s Pablo Hidalgo has previously hinted brother and sister would come together, so it’s certainly in the realm of possibility. If Force Awakens was partially about finding Skywalker, one of the arcs in Last Jedi is convincing the hero to rejoin the fight (which is why Rey went for him). It remains to be seen how her dynamic with Luke evolves over time, but signs are pointing to the two leaving Ahch-To. Hamill and Fisher have been photographed together on set (see above) and Daisy Ridley was seen dancing with Boyega on the Crait location in the behind-the-scenes sizzle reel. At the very least, the scavenger leaves to aid her friends, so odds are the old Jedi is with her too.

Last Jedi writer/director Rian Johnson has promised his film provides catharsis for Leia fans, and few things would be more emotional than seeing the twins reunite and repair what is possibly a damaged relationship. Though Luke and Leia still love each other as family, what happened with Kylo Ren could not have been easy for either to handle – especially with Han’s death still fresh. Luke never got a chance to apologize to Han, so fingers crossed he can make things right with Leia before the trilogy is over.

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