Dexter’s Prequel Is Far Worse Than New Blood Season 2

Dexter’s Prequel Is Far Worse Than New Blood Season 2

The decision to replace New Blood season 2 with a reported Dexter prequel could be bad news for a franchise that, despite past critical acclaim, has struggled to cement its legacy. After the original series concluded with a controversial and critically maligned finale, Dexter fans were largely pleased to learn about plans to revisit the ending. However, while New Blood season 1 was by no means perfect, the decision to truncate this new branch of the franchise and return to the past is an incredibly risky move.

Dexter: New Blood saw the saga pick up 10 years after titular lead Dexter Morgan faked his death in a hurricane. Living in the small town community of Iron Lake, Dexter had largely moved on from the dark passenger that defined his previous Miami life. However, the return of his son Harrison, as well as the presence of another killer in the community, catalyzed a return to old habits. Despite receiving mixed reviews, the New Blood finale set the stage for a new chapter in the Morgan family saga – with Dexter dead and Harrison set to start a new story. Unfortunately, by ignoring this potentially tantalizing setup, the Dexter franchise could repeat old mistakes all over again.

New Blood Season 2 Could Fix Dexter’s Biggest Problems

Dexter’s Prequel Is Far Worse Than New Blood Season 2

It’s generally acknowledged by both critics and fans of the series that the original series peaked with Dexter seasons 4 and 5. A combination of compelling storytelling, believable character development, and iconic villains helped the show shine before all became increasingly absent towards the end. This was typified by a finale that struggled to decide whether it wanted the show’s anti-hero to face any sort of punishment for his crimes. The result was a noncommittal compromise that satisfied no one. Yet, it was in revisiting this conclusion that New Blood season 1 had its biggest trump card.

In providing a definitive ending for Dexter and establishing Harrison as the potential future of the franchise, Dexter: New Blood finally committed towards a course of action that offered the clarity so lacking from the original finale. In following Harrison’s story, New Blood season 2 could fully explore the legacy of Dexter’s career, as well as the fallout from his actions. It’s even conceivable that this direction could have facilitated Michael C. Hall’s return as a dark passenger for Harrison. This would be a bold and innovative step for the franchise – one that could help rectify the mistakes of the original ending.

How A Dexter Prequel Could Ruin The Franchise

Dexter, Angel, & Harrison

Unfortunately, however, abandoning the New Blood story in favor of a Dexter prequel not only risks wasting New Blood‘s potential but also undoing much of what made early Dexter seasons so effective. A key component of the best Dexter storylines was the constant revaluation of his past. Through flashbacks and deliberate reveals, Dexter was forced to reassess his actions, his code, and his relationship with his family. This led him to question his adoptive father’s place as a mentor and role model, as well as his own ability to empathize and reliability as a narrator, creating a constant source of drama.

A prequel series exploring Dexter’s origins is therefore not only unnecessary, since many of the major plot points have already been covered in Dexter, but would also undermine the sense of uncertainty and mystery that made the flashbacks so compelling. This would tarnish some of Dexter‘s best moments, ruining the dark ambiguity that made it such a grisly pleasure. Together with the fact that Michael C. Hall, whose performance helped make Dexter Morgan such as star, would logically be unable to return, there’s a very real risk that a Dexter prequel in place of New Blood season 2 could feel like a cynical cash grab instead of adding something worthwhile to the story.