Denzel Washington & Dana Canedy Interview: A Journal for Jordan

Denzel Washington & Dana Canedy Interview: A Journal for Jordan

​​They say truth is stranger than fiction, and sometimes it’s more powerful too. That’s what director Denzel Washington hopes to emphasize in his emotional film A Journal For Jordan, which depicts the tragic real-life romance between First Sergeant Charles Monroe King (Michael B. Jordan) and journalist Dana Canedy (Chanté Adams) amidst the backdrop of the War in Iraq.

Washington and Canedy herself spoke to Screen Rant about bringing this story to the big screen and casting the perfect actors for the roles.

Screen Rant: Dana, thank you for sharing this story. And Denzel, thank you for telling this story. This one really hit home to me. My father’s a military man. I served in the Marines. So I appreciate and thank Sergeant King for his service. Dana, first question-

Dana Canedy: Thank you for your family service as well.

Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Dana, the first question to you. Denzel’s been a part of A Journal For Jordan for a while now. Can you talk to me about the collaboration process working with Denzel and why he was the right person to tell this story?

Dana Canedy: He was the right person, obviously, because he’s the best at what he does, but he also brought his heart to this and his Christian faith. The combination of those factors assured me that we were in good hands. In terms of the collaboration, what was so wonderful is that he as well as Virgil Williams, our screenwriter, and the actors all made me feel as though I was a part of this throughout the whole process. They drew on my experience with Charles and with writing the book and telling the story, but they also knew that it was my life as well. I think what you see in the film is something now that’s uplifting. Even though they’re sad moments, it’s entertaining, it’s funny. And it’s the kind of movie everybody should hopefully see during this holiday season with the people they love.

I couldn’t agree with you more. Denzel, Michael B. Jordan brings an amazing balance to First Sergeant Charles Monroe King in the film. He’s a strict military man and he’s also a hardened warrior, but he’s also this artist with a gentle soul that’s painting Dana’s toenails. Can you talk to me about the balance that Michael B. brings to the role and the commitment that he brought to the role?

Denzel Washington: He has that in him. Michael B. has a kindness, sweetness, and innocence, a gentleness in him. And you can’t act that. Chemistry is chemistry. They, in this film, if I may be so bold, were made for each other. Her fire and his… They were made for each other.

Denzel Washington & Dana Canedy Interview: A Journal for Jordan

Chanté did a fantastic job in this film. Was such an emotional range and a performance. Dana, what were some of the things that Chanté brought to the role of playing you that wasn’t necessarily on the page?

Dana Canedy: She brought her heart. She also is a prayerful young lady. She’s an old soul, and she poured everything into this. She kept saying in the beginning as we were getting to know each other, “I’m just nervous about… I want to impress you.” And I said, “The fact that you’re bringing your heart and all of your training to this, I’m already impressed. And now you have to make it your own and stop worrying about me.”

The relationship in this film seems so real to me. It feels so genuine. I want to talk about Michael and Chanté’s chemistry because it is out of this world, Den. So you hit on it just a little bit. Can you talk to me about the chemistry that the two actors had and how they kind of built that up and how natural that was?

Denzel Washington: You know it when you see it. I can’t tell you about the work they did together and how they prepared, but they both, obviously, were prepared. From behind the camera, I know it when I see it. We were in the audition process. That’s what I saw when I met Chanté. I was like, “Who’s this child in Detroit?” This old soul from Detroit. And you know it when you see it and it’s my job to get out of the way, but to capture it.

Incredible job, by the way, that you did. Denzel and Dana, both of you… I will openly admit. I cried in this film. And as Charles says, it’s not to question my manhood, but it’s a great film. It is absolutely a great film. During this holiday season, I can’t wait to watch this film with my father. What are you hoping audiences take away from this?

Dana Canedy: Oh my gosh. That’s the ultimate compliment. Thank you. I hope audiences will take away whatever they need from it, but that ultimately they understand that love lives on.

Key Release Dates

  • Journal for Jordan
    Release Date:
