Death Ranger Fanmade Helmet Is Ultimate Tribute to Power Rangers Villain

One of the newest and most shocking Power Rangers to join the franchise just received the amazing replica treatment. This fan-made helmet is both stunning and ghoulish, just like the Death Ranger themselves.Originally known as Spa’ark, the Death Ranger was a member of the Omega Rangers and helped the team fight against cosmic-level threats. All that ended after a deadly incident involving one of their closest allies. Subsequently, Spa’ark was killed and transformed into the Death Ranger, with the power to control life and death itself. BOOM! Studios has been chronicling the return of the Death Ranger in the latest issues of its ongoing Power Rangers series. This new and frightening ranger from the past has already proved to be an incredible threat to all the Power Rangers of the present, and they even managed to kill and control the original Red Ranger, Jason.Related: Power Rangers Reveals The DEATH Ranger, The New Non-Binary RangerThe Death Ranger is shaping up to be one of the scariest and coolest new power rangers introduced in years, and the helmet created by @StarchildProps is a truly amazing recreation of the character’s iconic look. Starchild Props is no stranger to creating amazing and accurate Power Rangers’ helmets. A prop maker from Italy, they are a self-described Power Rangers addict and their social media confirms their true passion and skill in the creation of colorful and cosmic ranger helmets.

This newest helmet is particularly striking – sleek black and gold lines speak to the power and prestige of an Omega Ranger, jarringly contrasted with the skeletal teeth for a chilling effect. The single black visor covering the eyes is reflective enough to ensure that the last sight of the Death Ranger’s victims is of their own terrified face. Both comic accurate and finely crafted, this new helmet is a unique and extraordinary tribute to Paul Allor’s history-making villain.

The Death Ranger is the first non-binary Power Ranger to make their debut, and was intended to increase non-binary representation through the kind of iconic villain fans love to obsess over and recreate via cosplay and fanart. Starchild Props’ breathtaking helmet is an indication that this has been totally successful, as the Death Ranger has captured fan imagination and will hopefully remain a part of the franchise for a long, long time, even if their immediate plans need to be stopped. The addition of the Death Ranger to Power Rangers lore is one of the franchise’s most fascinating additions in a long time, and this awesome fan recreation helmet shows that fans have fallen in love with the villain.