Deadpool Has The Most Beautiful [SPOILER] in Marvel’s Universe

Deadpool Has The Most Beautiful [SPOILER] in Marvel’s Universe

Warning: Spoilers for Cable #3

Fans have become accustomed to Deadpool acquiring skills that seem out of character. Most of Deadpool’s more unexpected talents are created for humor as fans can expect to laugh out loud when reading the stories of the Merc with the Mouth – and his latest adventure is no exception.

The most recent appearance of the fan-favorite comes in Cable #3 by writer Gerry Duggan and artist Phil Noto as Deadpool encounters Kid Cable. As Cable and Deadpool are Marvels oddest couple with their bromance, the latest encounter with the young Nate Summers is hilarious.

In the newest issue, the young Cable needs old Cable’s body. However, Nate discovers the body is no longer in the grave because Deadpool stole it. It is later revealed through an exchange of letters that Cable asked Wade to take his body if he was to die. While Cable’s letter looks as if it is a simple email, Deadpool’s is far more extravagant. Reminiscent of a letter written by a wife to her husband in the war during the Civil War period, Wade’s letter is hilarious but beautiful all the same.

Deadpool Has The Most Beautiful [SPOILER] in Marvel’s Universe

Beginning with “My Dearest Nathan” and ending with “Sincerest Sincerities, D. Pool” the letter is written by quill. The beautiful penmanship hides the complete lunacy instilled within the letter. With all the usual wacky type quips Deadpool’s fans have learned to love only now written in beautiful quill handwriting. The time and effort it must have taken for Deadpool to write this letter and the fact he has a quill handy is ridiculously funny. He could have simply just replied ok to Cables simple letter, but of course, that wouldn’t be expected from Wade Wilson. Wade and Cable’s unique friendship is only strengthened through this new instance.

This also shows the lengths Deadpool will go for comedy. He often goes to extreme lengths to showcase his comedy prowess. The character always keeps his fans and his comic book counterparts on their toes with his quips. The hero has gone to some pretty bizarre places just to get a laugh. This comedic instance in Cable #3 is ingenious and might take the cake in some Deadpool fans’ eyes amongst his funniest moments.

Fans of mailing old fashioned written letters will also enjoy the appreciation Deadpool shows towards the format. His skill and use of strong vocabulary would make any writer proud. The instance can be seen in Marvel Comics Cable #3 out now.