Deadpool Finally Has Redemption for His Most Unforgivable Mistake

Deadpool Finally Has Redemption for His Most Unforgivable Mistake

Warning: Spoilers for Uncanny Avengers #5!Years after following the wrong Captain America, Deadpool is finally getting a true opportunity to redeem himself. There was a time when Deadpool worked under HYDRA’s Captain America before Wade learned this was an evil clone of Steve Rogers. During the period when he was unaware of the truth, though, Wade committed awful deeds on behalf Stevil, which has left Wilson wracked with guilt for years.

Uncanny Avengers #5 – by Gerry Duggan, Javier Garron, Morry Hollowell, VC’s Travis Lanham –

featured the latest stage of Deadpool’s redemption. After years of living with his actions, Deadpool gets the opportunity to dish out some payback against Stevil, who has returned to the Marvel Universe rechristened as the new Captain Krakoa, working for Orchis, and targeting both Steve Rogers and his Avengers Unity Squad.

Deadpool Finally Has Redemption for His Most Unforgivable Mistake

Deadpool had already earned Captain America’s respect, and vice versa. Wade was personally recruited by Cap to be on his team. When Rogers’ life is on the line at the hands of Stevil, Deadpool doesn’t hesitate to leap into action saving the real Captain America’s life in the process.

Saving Captain America’s Life Is Deadpool’s Latest Act Of Redemption

Deadpool in Uncanny Avengers #5, Captain America uses Deadpool as a shield

During Secret Empire, HYDRA secretly replaced the real Captain America with an evil clone, fooling everyone into thinking the real Steve Rogers had been evil all along. Deadpool held so much respect for Captain America, that following his turn, Wade blindly did everything that was asked of him, without question any of his uncharacteristic orders he received. Stevil’s demands included ordering Deadpool to kill Phil Coulson, when the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent first grew suspicious of the fake Steve. When the truth finally came out, Deadpool regretted everything he did so much that he wanted to wipe his own memories of the ordeal.

In Uncanny Avengers #5, when Stevil is seconds away from putting a hole in the real Steve’s head, a legless Deadpool saves Steve’s life at the last possible moment – by biting at Stevil’s leg. Wade’s distraction is big enough to give the Avengers an opening to attack, and for Captain America to come up with a new game plan. After Cap Krakoa takes Cap America’s shield, the good-natured Cap compensates by using the invulnerable Deadpool as a shield, launching him at Stevil for good measure, which helps take him down for good. And for good measure, Deadpool tosses a hot coffee in Stevil’s face at his trial.

Deadpool Gets His Payback, And Could Get Even More in the Future

Deadpool in Uncanny Avengers #5, Captain America throws Deadpool at Captain Krakoa

Saving the real Steve from Stevil is the closest to redemption Deadpool has gotten since the events of Secret Empire. Being Stevil’s lackey is something Deadpool had never let himself live down, nor have some people around him, including Stevil himself who calls Wade a “good soldier” in this issue for fulfilling his duty to him in the past. This is the first time Deadpool gets the chance to find peace in himself about it all. Judging by the end of this issue, depending on when and if they meet again during Stevil’s new Flag-Smasher identity, there’s a chance Deadpool can redeem himself further by taking Grant out to a permanent end.

Uncanny Avengers #5

Primary cover for Uncanny Avengers #5 (by Javier Garron)

  • Writer: Gerry Duggan
  • Artist: Javier Garron
  • Colorist: Morry Hollowell
  • Letterer: Travis Lanham
  • Cover Artist: Javier Garron