Deadpool Didn’t Hesitate to Betray Daredevil for Kingpin’s Wife

Deadpool Didn’t Hesitate to Betray Daredevil for Kingpin’s Wife

In his first appearance and throughout his original run within the comics of X-Force, Deadpool was portrayed as a villainous hitman until he was reworked by Marvel Comics to make him a more likable character as a wisecracking antihero, but his villainous side came through when he didn’t hesitate to betray Daredevil for Kingpin’s wife. The Kingpin is most well known for loving a woman named Venessa, from the early pages of Marvel Comics to the fan-favorite Daredevil Netflix series. However, in the Kingpin’s latest stories, he has taken a new lover that he recently married, the villain known as Typhoid Mary. 

In Daredevil: Deadpool Annual ‘97 by Joe Kelly and Bernard Chang, Deadpool was hired to kill anyone who might threaten a wealthy, prominent mob boss in New York City, including the maniacal villain Typhoid Mary. Daredevil is also on Typhoid’s trail without the payment incentive, and crosses paths with the morally grey Deadpool. The two decide to work together to take down Typhoid Mary, but when Deadpool comes face-to-face with her, his allegiance quickly changes. 

When Daredevil and Deadpool go over how they are going to take Typhoid Mary down so she can’t hurt anyone, Daredevil goes into how dangerous she is by outlining her incredible skill set and mental instability. Instead of taking Daredevil’s words as inspiration for their need to stop Typhoid in her tracks, Deadpool gets starry-eyed, agreeing with everything Daredevil says in a much different, romantically interested light. While hunting the villain, Deadpool runs into Typhoid Mary first, and instead of taking her down, the two sleep together, at which point Deadpool decides to betray his partner and help her take down Daredevil. 

Deadpool Didn’t Hesitate to Betray Daredevil for Kingpin’s Wife

Working the double-cross to perfection, Deadpool and Typhoid Mary take Daredevil out of the fight, and Mary gets away scot-free. Unfortunately for Deadpool, Typhoid Mary didn’t stick with him after the mission and dumped him after he helped her getaway. As fans now know, Typhoid Mary eventually got together with and married the Kingpin, going from taking out mob bosses to marrying one while seemingly being very much in love. 

While a sad ending for Deadpool and Daredevil, Typhoid Mary was able to avoid being murdered or captured and then later in Marvel Comics continuity goes off to marry the Kingpin, becoming one of the most influential people in New York City. While Typhoid Mary was a thorn in Daredevil’s side when the hero worked with Deadpool, she certainly is one again now as the main accomplice to the Kingpin’s wrongdoings. While Typhoid Mary is still one of Daredevil’s main threats in the current comics, he could have been rid of her years earlier if Deadpool didn’t betray him without hesitation.