Deadpool 2 Director Exits Over Creative Differences with Ryan Reynolds

Deadpool 2 Director Exits Over Creative Differences with Ryan Reynolds

Fox received one of the biggest hits of the year in Deadpool, a movie that had been stuck in development for the past decade. Ryan Reynolds continuously pushed for the movie to be made, and it eventually was green-lit after leaked concept footage spread like wildfire across the Internet. Reynolds’ belief in the movie paid off big for Fox, as the R-rated superhero film eventually grossed more than $750 million in theaters worldwide. Plans for a sequel were in motion even before the movie hit theaters – with the Deadpool post-credit scene revealing that the time-traveling mutant known as Cable would be appearing.

If there was one reason for fans to worry about the film throughout production, however, it was having first time director Tim Miller have control of the film. However, Miller proved that he was able to handle the load of the superhero film and was then set to return for Deadpool 2. Unfortunately, that will no longer be the case.

Deadline has revealed that Miller has left the highly-anticipated sequel due to creative differences with star and producer, Ryan Reynolds, who plays the Merc with a Mouth. The split is reportedly mutual, with Deadline stating Miller and Fox are still on good terms. Miller never officially signed on for Deadpool 2, but he was involved with the screenwriting process. Nonetheless, he and Reynolds could not see eye to eye on the direction that the sequel should take.

Deadpool 2 Director Exits Over Creative Differences with Ryan Reynolds

With Miller now off the project, Fox will quickly begin searching for a new director to oversee the Deadpool sequel. Thanks to the success of the first movie, this should be a highly coveted project for filmmakers interested in trying their hand at a superhero movie. The director that does end up replacing Miller will still have the help of Reynolds, as well as Deadpool screenwriters Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, in crafting the sequel.

Losing a director is never good news for a project – but with Deadpool 2 currently sitting without a release date, Fox should have time to find the right person for the job. The creative differences Miller and Reynolds haven’t stopped the sequel from moving along, with the search for an actress to play Domino currently underway. The issue of who to cast as Domino might have even been the last straw for Miller, as Deadline reports that Miller only left the project late last night (October 21st, at the time of writing this). It’s possible Miller was either not onboard with the inclusion of Domino to begin with, or Reynolds had a different choice for the role in mind.

For now, those involved with pre-production on Deadpool 2 will continue to revise the script and bring on more cast members – something that will make the choice of replacement director that much more interesting. The longer the project goes without a director, the less input he or she will have prior to filming. This means that any director that signs on will have to adhere to the majority of the current plans and have less room to inject their own ideas into the movie. Deadpool was a success because of careful planning and the passion of both Reynolds and the people working behind the scenes, so hopefully the new Deadpool 2 director will be equally passionate.

NEXT: Domino Shortlist for Deadpool 2 Includes Mary Elizabeth Winstead

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