Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man Turns The Web-Slinger Into Nightmare Fuel

Spoilers for Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 by Marvel ComicsIn a new miniseries, Spider-Man is about to take on one of his darkest forms as he becomes the Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man. In a new preview for the long-awaited Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1, Peter Parker is transformed as his name and costume make his name literal, as he prepares to take on one of the most powerful X-Men villains ever, the Demon Bear.

Spider-Man has a history of transforming into dark forms that make him more terrifying than his usual heroic self. Whether it’s one of the many versions of Spider-Man from across the Multiverse who have taken a much different path than Earth-616 Peter Parker, or the six-armed hero seen in both the pages of Marvel Comics and the Spider-Man: The Animated Series, there are multiple nightmare versions of the web-slinger. However, in the new miniseries Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man, the hero will get one of his darkest transformations as he trades in his trademark look and costume for something much more sinister as he faces off against a demon.

In a new preview for Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 by Jimmy Gomez (Taboo), B. Earl, Juan Ferreyra, and VC’s Travis Lanham from Marvel Comics, a nightmare version Spider-Man is revealed, as he has long claws, glowing eyes, with a much skinnier, spider-like frame. The terrifying new Spider-Man questions his strategy to being a hero, wondering if he should start to put away bad guys permanently. The web-slinger compares himself to the Hulk, saying he’s angry and can’t stop smashing stuff.

Spider-Man’s New Nightmare Form Is A Test From Demons

Spider-Man’s dark new form and costume appear to be the product of demons testing the hero “like never before.” Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man will have Peter Parker questioning what’s real and what is a dream, as well as what is science and what is magic. The world seems to be a creation of the New Mutants and X-Men villain, the Demon Bear. Check out the synopsis for Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 by Marvel Comics below.


What is reality and what is dream? What is science and what is magic? At the intersection of all of this stands the Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Peter Parker goes to Los Angeles and what he finds there are definitely not angels. The demons waiting for Peter are going to test him like never before. One demon in particular, a very famous one for Marvel and X fans in particular, might just eat Spider-Man alive.

Spider-Man’s dark new form is the hero like readers haven’t seen before. The frightening version of the web-slinger coming to life definitely is fitting for the Demon Bear, who is no stranger to unleashing terrifying nightmares upon the Marvel Universe. Readers can see Spider-Man and his new form and costume debut in Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1, which arrives in comic book stores and online retailers on Wednesday.