DC’s New ‘Ring Hunters’ Officially Have The Green Lanterns Running Scared

DC’s New ‘Ring Hunters’ Officially Have The Green Lanterns Running Scared

Warning! Preview pages for Green Lantern #10 ahead!Even the strongest Green Lanterns in the DC Universe don’t want to go up against the latest threat in their world. The United Planets is currently ruling the Green Lantern Corps with an iron fist and they’ve created a new army of soldiers who can easily take down the strongest ring-slingers.

In a preview for Green Lantern #10 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, and Amancay Nahuelpan, Hal Jordan reunites with Jo Mullein on Oa. Unfortunately, the reunion is a tense one as Jo guides Hal through the Green Lantern Corps’ base. Jo informs Hal that it’s imperative that Hal not use his Power Ring under any circumstances.

Green Lantern learns of the Ring Hunters, a new elite squad of magic users that work for the United Planets. The Ring Hunters can pinpoint Green Lantern on Oa that uses Source Power, forcing Jo and any other rebel to get by without their rings.

The Magic ‘Ring Hunters’ Can Hunt Down Any Green Lantern

DC’s New ‘Ring Hunters’ Officially Have The Green Lanterns Running Scared

The United Planets made a number of drastic changes when they assumed control of the Green Lantern Corps, including the quarantining of Sector 2814. The changes caused several Lanterns like Hal and John Stewart to retire. But while they went back home, the United Planets continued making changes that wound up having dramatic effects on the DC Universe. The United Planets’ leader Lord Premier Thaaros began ordering the destruction of other Central Power Batteries in the Emotional Spectrum. This allowed a special squad known as the United Planets Lanterns to siphon and use other powerful lights and tighten Thaaros’ control over the Corps.

The Green Lanterns are meant to be some of the most fearless beings in the DCU. One of the requirements for wielding a Power Ring is being able to overcome great fear. But Jo is positively terrified over what the Ring Hunters are capable of. Even though they’re not physically seen in this preview, the fact that they scare Jo and intimidate Hal into not using their rings proves how much of a threat they must be. Hal came to put things right on Oa, but with the Ring Hunters around, Green Lantern is facing an uphill battle.

How Can Green Lantern Fight Back Without a Power Ring?

green lantern time travel

The United Planets is ramping up its control on the Green Lantern Corps and Thaaros is making sure no one can touch him by creating things like the Ring Hunters. Hal and his friends might be able to hide without a Power Ring, but they certainly can’t fight back without one. Their only hope is to find some way of being tracked by the Ring Hunters to the rebel Green Lanterns’ advantage. Hopefully, they can find some way of defeating the Ring Hunters, because the Green Lanterns’ options are about to be severely limited.

Green Lantern #10 is available on April 9th from DC Comics.

Green Lantern #10 (2024)

Green Lantern 10 Hiding DC

  • Writer: Jeremy Adams
  • Artists: Xermánico, Amancay Nahuelpan, Kevin Maguire
  • Colorists: Rosemary Cheetham and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Xermánico


Green Lantern

Green Lantern is the name given to several characters in the D.C. Comics canon, centering on individuals who dispense intergalactic justice. Green Lanterns can harness the power of willpower and can create unique spectral objects to face off against their enemies. Though some Green Lanterns have assisted with the Justice League, they primarily belong to the Green Lantern Corps.