DC’s Answer to Steve Rogers Became an Extreme ’90s Hero

DC’s Answer to Steve Rogers Became an Extreme ’90s Hero

The world of DC Comics has its own dark and gritty version of Captain America in the form of an extremely ’90s soldier named Militia. The comics industry of the 1990s was famous for its slew of new, angsty anti-heroes. One of these is the sibling of a well-known Green Lantern and becomes a dangerous anti-hero with a past similar to Marvel’s Captain America.

Mace Gardner is the older brother of the Green Lantern Corps’ Guy Gardner and a man with a very relatable origin story. Making his debut in 1993’s Guy Gardner #12 by Chuck Dixon and Joe Staton, Mace is raised, alongside Guy, by their abusive, alcoholic father who expects great things from his oldest son. Sadly, the pressure is too much for Mace as he turns to drugs and alcohol while still achieving his dream of being a policeman. While Guy Gardner later becomes a Green Lantern, Mace is shot in the spine by a criminal, confined to a wheelchair, and later supposedly commits suicide by drowning himself. However, Mace’s suicide attempt is faked by a secret organization known as Quorum, which recruits the paralyzed cop to become part of its newest experiment.

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Militia Is an Evil Reflection of Captain America

DC’s Answer to Steve Rogers Became an Extreme ’90s Hero
Militia Origin

Quorum transforms Mace into its own version of Captain America known as the vigilante/super-soldier, Militia. Mace’s striking resemblance to Captain America reveals itself in Steve’s origin story. Steve Rogers is a sickly boy who is raised by an alcoholic father, wants to join the US military, and is recruited the government to become a test subject for a super-soldier program. There are even little similarities such as Steve Rogers having a younger brother and pursuing a career as a cop. Though both men have the same upbringings and origin stories to their superpowers, Mace and Steve both have different approaches to justice and using their abilities.

Militia is the perfect example of how power corrupts when given to the wrong person. Unlike Steve, Mace is taught to succeed by any means necessary and to always be the authority figure in every situation. Mace Gardner as Militia uses Quorum’s spine-healing exosuit to hunt down criminals and even his own brother Guy after the Green Lantern is falsely accused of murder. Captain America is built on the idea that anyone can be a superhero, no matter their background or limitations. His parents had their flaws, but Steve learns to appreciate his gifts and doesn’t let his weaknesses keep him down. It’s why Steve is the perfect candidate for a super-soldier serum project that turns him into America’s greatest hero. Militia is too proud to hold that much power in his hands while Captain America remembers where he comes from and never shies away from his responsibility to help others.

Captain America and Militia Have Similar Origins but Different Views of Justice

Militia Fights Guy Gardner

Both Quorum and the U.S. government create super-soldiers to serve their needs, but the life choices of Militia and Captain America shape their true destinies. Steve Rogers isn’t ashamed of his upbringing and chooses to embrace his roots when he accepts the choice to become the First Avenger. However, blinded by great expectations and the fear of failure due to his paralysis, Mace Gardner rejects his past after receiving DC’s version of a super-soldier serum to become a twisted anti-hero of justice and destroy all evildoers in his path. Captain America and DC ComicsMilitia may come from similar backgrounds, but a hero must remember that true justice cannot be born from pride, anger, and hatred.

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