DCEU Villains, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

DCEU Villains, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

The DC Extended Universe might not have quite the same reach and influence as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it has still managed to create some very powerful and compelling villains. These are the types of characters that will do whatever it takes to both defeat their superhero antagonists and take over the world while they’re at it.

However, as powerful as they all are in one way or another, there are some major differences in how well they would be able to compete in the gruesome and brutal competition of the Squid Game.


DCEU Villains, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win Squid Game

Kristen Wiig has portrayed some very fascinating characters in her career, and Cheetah is definitely one of those. She’s an especially fascinating character because she begins as a friend of Diana Prince but ultimately turns against. While her abilities might make her a formidable opponent in the early stages of the game, her arrogance (and her constant sense of being an underdog) would ultimately cost her, as she would be unable to effectively strategize against those who are more able to think strategically.


Steppenwolf in the nuclear facility in Zach Snyder's Justice League.

Even though he is a villain, Steppenwolf is still one of those characters who is more tragic, and sympathetic, than he is evil. He doesn’t seem to be quite as ruthless or as strategic as his master Darkseid, but he is definitely arrogant enough to think that he is more than a match for the Justice League. While a certain amount of self-confidence is necessary to either survive or win the Squid Game, Steppenwolf is the type of character that could easily be manipulated by others into making a fatal mistake.

Black Mask

Black Mask with his fingers to his temples

Ewan McGregor is another actor who has played many great characters, and he brings his formidable acting skills to the character of Black Mask. While he is capable of great cruelty and ruthlessness (character traits that the best players of the Squid Game always have in abundance), he is also notoriously unstable, prone to fits of temper that ultimately undercut whatever else he tries to achieve. He might make it through some of the early game, but he wouldn’t have the steadiness required to actually be a winner.


Darkseid and Anti Life Symbol in Justice League Snyder Cut

To succeed in the Squid Game, one has to combine both ruthlessness and a certain kind of strategic thinking. Darkseid, the big bad of Zack Snyder’s Justice League has those traits in abundance, and he is very adept at manipulating others (such as Steppenwolf) to do what he wants them to do, no matter how much they might want to resist them.

However, as his actions against the Justice League demonstrate, he is far too in love with his own power and perception of himself as brilliant, which would leave him vulnerable to others.


Enchantress looking at someone in Suicide Squad

There are few characters in the DCEU with quite as much raw power as Enchantress, the main villain of the first Suicide Squad. Though fans are divided as to whether this Suicide Squad or its later counterpart is the better movie, Enchantress shows that she has both power and a shrewd intelligence that leads her to know exactly the weak spots in humanity that she could exploit. She could leverage all of this into being an effective member of the Squid Game, even if she might also be undercut by her own sense of self-certainty.

The Thinker

The Thinker reveals Starro's origins to the Suicide Squad

Peter Capaldi’s The Thinker is one of the more disturbing villains to have emerged out of the DCEU, for while he clearly is a brilliant man, he is also capable of horrendous acts of cruelty. Nothing matters to him except the pursuit of knowledge and control. As a result, he would excel at the Squid Game because he would see it as a puzzle to be solved, and his fellow competitors wouldn’t really be human beings in his mind but instead obstacles to be overcome on his pathway to victory. He would, however, be limited by his own arrogance and belief in his inviolability.


Ares talking under his helmet in Wonder Woman

Given that he is literally a god, Ares is unsurprisingly very much convinced that his way is the only way. He sees human beings as dispensable, and in fact his entire goal is to see them completely obliterated. As a result, he would be one of the DCEU villains most likely to win the Squid Game, precisely because he wouldn’t care how many people he had to destroy so long as he was the one that emerged victorious in the end. Human life means nothing to him, after all.

General Erich Ludendorff

Ludendorff speaking angrily in Wonder Woman

There are few characters in the DCEU quite as evil as Erich Ludendorff, who shows time and time again that he values victory more than anything else, He’s more than willing to sacrifice the lives of anyone, so convinced is he of his own morality and sense of righteous certitude.

In the Squid Game, he would be the type of person that would pursue victory if only because it would validate his own self of himself, meaning that he would be able to kill others without batting an eye.

Amanda Waller

Amanda Waller holding the bomb trigger in The Suicide Squad

Viola Davis is one of the most formidable actresses in Hollywood, with many great roles in her filmography. She brings those skills to bear as Amanda Waller, a character who is villainous precisely because she thinks that everything she does, no matter how cruel or harsh, is for the greater good. She also knows just how to manipulate people into getting them to do what she wants, and so she would stop at nothing to win at the Squid Game, no matter how many of her principles, or how many human lives, she would have to sacrifice.

Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor making a deal with Deathstroke in Zack Snyder's Justice League

Lex Luthor is, arguably, the most iconic villain in all of the DCEU, due to his long-standing enmity and antagonism for Superman. He is also a shrewd and calculating man, able to think several steps ahead in any given confrontation. Of all of the DCEU villains, he would be the most likely to win the Squid Game, because not only would he be able and willing to kill to get to the next level, he would also be able to forge the right kind of alliances to continue on. Of course, he would also be willing to throw those alliances aside when it suited him.