DCEU: Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

DCEU: Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

Although the commercial and critical success of the DCEU hasn’t quite lived up to what the MCU has put together, their films are still pretty popular. Regardless of how an audience member feels about the series, it’s clear that the characters involved are beloved by millions around the world.

Those legendary superheroes have been part of some iconic scenes on the big screen in the DCEU. Whether it was a team-up movie or one of their solo outings, these characters have had the opportunity to shine and be part of epic moments that the fans will remember and associate with them forever.

Shazam – Bringing The Family Together

DCEU: Each Main Character’s Most Iconic Scene

One criticism often lobbed at DCEU films is that they can sometimes be too dark. Even Deadpool 2 made a reference to it. If there was one entry that challenged that concept, it was 2019’s Shazam!, which mostly had a lighthearted tone other than a few scenes involving the villains or Billy Batson’s mother abandoning him.

That means that Shazam’s best moment has to also be something that isn’t too dark. That was the case near the end of the film when Billy used the staff to share his powers with his siblings, turning them all into grown-up superheroes. Not only do they work together to take down Thaddeus Sivana and the Seven Deadly Sins but it also displayed Billy’s trust in his new found family.

Aquaman – Earning The Trident Of Atlan

Arthur holding triton in 2018's Aquaman

Considering he isn’t one of the top-tier heroes in DC Comics and given the DCEU’s track record, nobody really expected 2018’s Aquaman to be the massive hit that it was. Grossing over $1 billion, it set a new high for the franchise and a major reason why was the performance and charisma of Jason Momoa as the titular character.

His most iconic scene as Aquaman saw Arthur Curry prove his worth and be able to reclaim the Trident of Atlan, which would help him win the final battle. Along with being a heroic moment, it was also cool to see him emerge with the trident while wearing his famous comic suit.

Batman – Do You Bleed?

Batman looking up in the rain in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman has yet to have a solo film within the DCEU and there are currently not really any plans for one. That being said, the Caped Crusader has been part of several movies with the first being Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The whole premise of the 2016 flick was to see DC’s top two superheroes do battle in live-action.

While it was mostly viewed as a disappointment, fans can’t help but remember parts of the fight between the two. The “Martha” line is memorable for negative reasons but most viewers do appreciate the “Do you bleed?” quote. It showed that Batman wasn’t intimidated by Superman and was out to prove that he could be beaten.

Cyborg – Refuting The Mother Boxes

Cyborg Speaking With The Mother Boxes - Zack Snyder's Justice League

Regardless of where you land on the discussion over the two versions of Justice League, one indisputable fact is that Cyborg is given more shine in Zack Snyder’s vision. He went from afterthought in 2017 to someone who fans want to see more of in 2021.

Snyder showcased his powers throughout the film but his best moment relates to him as a person. Near the end of the movie, Victor is seduced by the Mother Boxes as they offer to “fix” him. Cyborg responded with, “I’m not broken and I’m not alone,” turning them away and accepting the rest of his team as his new family.

Harley Quinn – Jailbreak

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey

Even though she got to lead a film in 2020 with Birds of Prey, Harley Quinn has mostly been a team player in the DCEU. Even that movie saw her join up with the likes of The Huntress and Black Canary, while she was certainly part of a unit in 2016’s Suicide Squad. That makes it difficult to pinpoint one standout Harley scene.

Also, the talented Margot Robbie is exceptional in the role and is great in every scene. A good one to point to is likely the jailbreak she pulls off in Birds of Prey. To get Cassandra out of jail, Harley takes out various guards through non-lethal means and then also has an extended fight against other inmates and thugs that showcases her badass side.

Superman – The First Flight

Superman's first flight in Man of Steel

The DCEU officially began in 2013 with the release of Man of Steel. The Henry Cavill-led film told the origin story of Superman and was mostly met with a positive reception from fans and critics. The high point came shortly after he donned his superhero costume for the first time and started testing out his abilities.

Clark ultimately realized that he could fly and the scene of his first flight is one of the best in the entire DCEU. He’s clumsy, happy, a bit confused, and it’s hilarious to see him destroy a mountain while he struggles. It’s the kind of positivity fans want from their Superman. An honorable mention goes to him fighting his teammates in Justice League.

Wonder Woman – No Man’s Land

Diana Prince in her Amazon armor prepares to walk into No Man's Land in Wonder Woman

For a lot of fans, 2017’s Wonder Woman is still the cream of the crop when it comes to the DCEU. Along with the charming Gal Gadot, a fun “fish out of water” story, and a throwback setting, the film has some truly uplifting moments. The most emotional is when Diana experiences war among humans for the first time.

Diana goes through No Man’s Land on her own, which Steve Trevor didn’t think was possible. She walks out alone as enemies fire away, deflecting bullets with her wristbands and showing her true capabilities. Steve and everyone else follows, marking a huge turn for them, and the audience can’t help but cheer on the female superhero.

The Flash – Reversing Time

Flash Running in Snyder Cut

Like Cyborg, Flash is a character who seemingly didn’t get as much shine as he deserved in 2017’s Justice League. Zack Snyder’s 2021 version corrected that right from his first appearance as he saves Iris West from a car crash. However, nothing tops his impact on the end of the story.

The Justice League actually loses their battle and gets destroyed but Barry Allen saves them. He enters the Speed Force and turns back time to before the explosion. Visually, it’s one of the best moments in the DCEU but it’s also just really cool and lets the world know how powerful he can be.