DCEU: 10 Things About Amanda Waller That Don’t Make Sense

DCEU: 10 Things About Amanda Waller That Don’t Make Sense

Amanda Waller is the de facto antagonist in both of The Suicide Squad movies, as she’s the one who forces members of Task Force X to go on potentially fatal missions. There’s probably no one more ruthless in the DC Extended Universe than her, but the series has failed to make her an altogether coherent character in some ways.

This comes down to many faulty decisions Waller has made that shouldn’t be possible if she’s supposed to be the best tactician. In addition, Waller has gotten into tight spots with the government and the Justice League as well, but she doesn’t experience consequences for some reason. What aspects of Waller’s characterizations don’t add up?

Hoping Her Plan Of Playing Matchmaker For Rick Flag & June Moone Would Work

DCEU: 10 Things About Amanda Waller That Don’t Make Sense

In the opening of Suicide Squad, Waller revealed to her superiors that she planned on Rick Flag and June Moone falling in love in order to have leverage over both of them. This was a very big risk to take and had no guarantee of ever working.

However, Waller presented it as some sort of genius trick she pulled even though Flag and June’s romance was largely coincidental. It also didn’t explain what she would’ve done had the two not fallen for each other, which would have pretty much foiled her plan, as Waller wouldn’t have any control over the Enchantress or have Flag’s loyalties.

Assembling A Weak Team Against Enchantress

Task Force X gets into fighting stances in Suicide Squad

Waller treated the criminals at Belle Reve as if she had metahumans a dime a dozen. But for some reason, she chose to use inmates who had no business going up against a demonic entity like the Enchantress.

The original team was comprised of the bat-wielding Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, the shooter Deadshot, Rick Flag, the savage Killer Croc, and Katana, all of whom were useless on paper against a supernatural being. Only El Diablo’s fire-based powers made sense, all of the other mildly-powered characters were truly an awful selection.

Getting Out Of Her Compromised Position After The Enchantress Disaster Without Any Issues

Amanda Waller talking to Bruce Wayne in Suicide Squad.

The fiasco with the Enchantress’s release was so close to getting Waller into trouble that she asked Bruce Wayne to protect her. It was never explained how he went about it, but Waller made it worse when she attempted to strongarm him by revealing she knew he was Batman.

This blew up in her face when Bruce threatened to send the entire Justice League after her if she didn’t shut down Task Force X. All things considered, Waller should have been done for and have no way to continue Task Force X. However, none of the fallout came to haunt her, as she was back in the same position in The Suicide Squad years later.

Telling Flag To Blow Up Harley’s Head Instead Of Simply Shooting Her During Her Escape

Deadshot and Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad

When The Joker came to collect Harley on the rooftop during the first movie, Waller instructed Flag to kill her to prevent Harley from escaping. At this point, Waller could see that Flag had a clear shot at Harley and could have easily used his rifle to end her.

However, Waller didn’t think to mention this and was angered when she found out that Harley’s nanite was disarmed and she couldn’t be killed through the explosive. Just a few moments later, though, she tried to make Deadshot shoot her, who deliberately missed. It doesn’t make sense why she would avoid shooting Harley earlier only to try doing so when she was out of reach.

Not Forcing The Flash To Join Task Force X Despite Having Leverage Over Him

The Flash gets scared while talking to Batman in Justice League

She may be considered as a top mind in the DCEU, but Waller wasn’t the smartest character in Suicide Squad since she didn’t use the information she had correctly. It was revealed she was aware of The Flash’s identity and whereabouts, right down to his everyday activities.

Waller also knew that Barry’s father was in prison and could easily have forced him to join Task Force X to end his father’s sentence. She used a similar tactic in The Suicide Squad to strongarm Bloodsport in joining, and there’s no reason why Waller didn’t realize she could have done so with The Flash. Instead, she allowed an extremely powerful metahuman to be completely free.

Sending Her Most Trusted Worker With Team A In Corto Maltese

Rick Flag arguing with Peacemaker in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad

Considering just how loyal Rick Flag was toward Amanda Waller, this choice was one of the things that didn’t make sense in The Suicide Squad. Flag was sent with Task Force X Team A to Corto Maltese, whose only purpose was to be massacred by the army to allow Team B to enter.

Flag was never a liability for Waller and even led the team to Jotunheim after his rescue. This makes it illogical for Waller to want him dead, since he was the only character who didn’t intend to defy her. It was never explained why Waller was fine with Flag dying, either, seeing as he was so useful to her.

Keeping Insubordinate People As Her Aides

Amanda Waller's aides look at Peacemaker in the hospital

When the team went back to fight Starro, Waller was about to detonate their explosives to prevent them from defying her. However, her aides pulled off one of the most shocking moves in The Suicide Squad by attacking her from behind to allow the squad to save Corto Maltese.

Considering how ruthless Waller is, it’s astounding that her aides didn’t suffer her wrath for assaulting her. Moreover, it doesn’t fit Waller’s character to surround herself with incompetent workers, but the team was seen joking about not taking their jobs seriously. Waller has a large number of government resources and connections, which should have allowed her to get genuinely capable employees on her side.

Not Knowing About Blackguard’s Betrayal

Split image of Blackguard and Amanda Waller in The Suicide Squad

Although Waller planned on Team A getting caught by the army, she didn’t have any idea about Blackguard tipping them off on his own. Somehow, he was able to communicate with the army from Belle Reve, which caught Waller off guard.

This shouldn’t have been possible since Waller controls every inch of Belle Reve and knows all about the happenings of the prison. It also didn’t make sense for her to continue the mission knowing that one of her workers was a traitor, as others could have discreetly turned on her as well.

Not Realizing The Team Would Want To Betray Her For What Happened In Jotunheim

Task Force X in Corto Maltese in The Suicide Squad

After sharing experiences where they were close to dying, the Suicide Squad became true friends and headed into Jotunheim as a unit. Still, Waller figured they wouldn’t band together to betray her after realizing that the U.S. government was also responsible forJotunheim’s inhuman experimentations.

There was never going to be any chance for the team to roll along with Waller’s instructions after seeing the horrors inside the prison, which she should have easily foreseen. And yet, Waller was surprised when the squad turned on her and acted as if this was the last thing she expected.

Assembling Team B With Characters She Clearly Despised And Didn’t Think Were Special

Bloodsport and Amanda Waller in a briefing room in The Suicide Squad

It wasn’t made clear why Task Force X Team B was chosen to be the squad who got to live, as Team A’s massacre was for the benefit of their safety. As far as Waller’s concerned, she despised most of them and they were of little to no value to her.

Polka-Dot Man, King Shark, and Ratcatcher 2 were never treated as important and were just as erratic as Team A’s members. Thus, Waller considering them to be her main team to infiltrate Jotunheim is a head-scratcher, especially since she didn’t think they were anything special.