DC Waited Until December to Debut the Best New Costume of the Year

DC Waited Until December to Debut the Best New Costume of the Year

Spoilers ahead for Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #22!It may have debuted in the 11th hour of 2023, but DC Comics just introduced one of the coolest, and most perplexing costumes it’s featured all year. As Batman and Superman deal with the strange events on Kingdom Come’s Earth, they come face-to-face with a hero who seems to be cribbing the style of a familiar wall-crawler.

In Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #22 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, Gog and his disciple, Superman’s former sidekick Thunderman, discuss the problem of the invading Prime Superman and Batman. However, Gog isn’t worried as the duo is currently being taken in by every available hero on Earth-22.

DC Waited Until December to Debut the Best New Costume of the Year

Despite the overwhelming odds, Superman and Batman manage to hold off many of the Justice League variants. However, to Batman’s surprise, this League also has original heroes in its ranks. The Dark Knight briefly encounters a very Spider-Man-like hero, albeit with a yellow-and-black color scheme with spikes adorning their outfit and a matching hooded vest.

DC’s New ‘Spider-Man’ Has Its Coolest Costume

Kingdom Come Spider-Man Hero DC

Batman and Superman’s journey to Earth-22 all got started back when Clark took on a powerful young man from another universe as his sidekick. David, or Boy Thunder as he was called, wanted to do good, but had several deep-seated anger issues which led to the hero acting out by harshly punishing criminals. It also didn’t help that David went though a terrifying ordeal when he was kidnapped and tortured by the Joker, only fueling his desire to maim and even kill supervillains. Following the event, David was transported to Earth-22 where he grew to take on the name Thunderman, though David was ultimately destined to become the deadly new-wave hero Magog.

While the Prime DC Universe does have heroes that resemble Marvel’s premier web-slinger (such as Sideways), this yellow-and-black clad hero isn’t given a name nor are their powers explored. It can be assumed they may have spider-powers given their similarities to Spider-Man, but that’s no guarantee. Regardless of what the hero’s name or powers are, people can agree on one thing: Their costume is pretty badass. It’s got all the sleekness and style of the original Spidey’s outfit, but with a little bit more edge to it (fitting for a world as harsh as the one seen in Kingdom Come). Whoever this hero is, they need to be brought back immediately.

Will Fans See DC’s Spider-Man Again?

Kingdom Come Spider-Man Group Shot DC

It’s hard to say if this unexpected hero will show up again. So far, they’ve just appeared in group shots and only serve to highlight the wild differences between Earth-0 and Earth-22. But Batman/Superman: World’s Finest’s current arc has a few more issues left, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that they could come back. However, this hero is a side-character at best and may not get many more chances to shine. But whether they return or not, it’s still awesome to see an awesome new costume like that in the DC Universe (even if it does borrow from Spider-Man’s outfit).

Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #22 is on sale now from DC Comics.