DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power Review – A Punch-Packing Brawler

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power Review – A Punch-Packing Brawler

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power is a game tailor-made for a younger generation of players. Based on the cheery animated series of the same name, the cast of heroines work their way through the pressures of high school, social media, and a whole bunch of bad guys. The game blends open-world brawling, RPG leveling, and social media photography into a really enjoyable package.

Throughout the six-to-eight-hour campaign, players will be bounced from hero to hero as they try to take down Lexcorp robots and evil toys that only exist to cause chaos in the city. Each character has their own unique playstyle and progression system: Batgirl uses gadgets and tech to get the job done, Wonder Woman is a warrior, and Supergirl feels like a powerhouse with heavy hits and special powers. Harley Quinn. Catwoman, and Star Sapphire also become playable in the second half of the story.

The gameplay in DC Super Hero Girls is well thought out, as players are given specific characters to run through the city of Metropolis picking up missions and pushing the narrative. Combat is handled in separate set-pieces where the heroes can go all out without the fear of NPC casualties. Up to three heroes can be used during a battle but players will only have access to the ‘lead character’ which is a bit of a misstep since switching from character to character at any time would have really elevated the combat overall. Fighting feels solid for a brawler and although combo-building through particular attack patterns is there, much of the time, fights fall into a button-mashing party while players wait for the special attack to activate. After each battle, the game scores players on time, combos, and dodging, as well as random bonuses appropriate to a given level.

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power Review – A Punch-Packing Brawler

In between fights, players are free to run around Metropolis and outlining areas, talking to other characters, completing sub-missions, and taking pictures to post on the DC Super Hero Girls social media app Supersta. Sub-missions consist of the standard fetch quest tropes that can earn players more stars to be utilized in upgrading each character’s power level and special attacks. Photo mode is used well in this game by integrating in a mock-social media site that players can post their pictures to.

Other characters from the DC world will ‘like’ and comment on the photos which creates a hierarchy of popularity throughout the game. Certain sub-missions will not be available until the specific character has enough followers on Supersta. With constant prompts in-game telling players about specific picture trends, it’s hard not to get wrapped up in getting those perfect pics for the fans.

Overall, DC Super Hero Girls is a very solid kids game. Nothing is new or revolutionary, but the game feels incredibly well put together. The story is enjoyable, the voice acting is exceptional, and the world feels fleshed out. With so many recognizable heroes and villains in a high school setting, it’s hard not to enjoy some time with this happy slice of the DC Universe.

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power is available now on Nintendo Switch. Screen Rant was provided with a Switch code for the purpose of this review.