DC Officially Debuts Its Genius Answer to the MCU’s Time Variance Authority

DC Officially Debuts Its Genius Answer to the MCU’s Time Variance Authority

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Blue Beetle #7!The DC Universe finally has an awesome and hilarious answer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Time Variance authority. Blue Beetle travels through multiple eras of DC Comics’ history to save a friend. But in doing so, he draws the attention of a peculiar and familiar face that keeps an eye out on DC’s continuity.

In Blue Beetle #7 by Josh Trujillo, Scott Kolins, Cully Hamner, Howard Porter, Adrián Gutiérrez, and Natacha Bustos, Booster Gold recruits Jaime Reyes to help save Ted Kord after his essence is scattered across multiple eras of DC history.

DC Officially Debuts Its Genius Answer to the MCU’s Time Variance Authority

Unfortunately, Blue Beetle’s journey is monitored by several unsuspecting heroes such as the Heckler and G’nort. Eventually, Lobo brings Jaime to his and the others’ boss, Jonni DC, Continuity Cop. Jonni DC gives Blue Beetle a citation for having a confusing origin but lets him go as long as Jaime promises to keep the retcons to a minimum.

The DC Universe Has a Continuity Police Force

Jonni DC the Continuity Cop Meets Blue Beetle

Johnny DC is one of the oldest mascots in DC Comics’ history. During the Silver Age of Comic Books, the figure would appear in advertisements and letter pages, often promoting DC’s line of books. The character was overhauled in the Post-Crisis continuity as Jonni DC, a female version of the character who acted as the DC Universe’s ‘Continuity Cop’. Jonni keeps an eye out for characters whose actions endanger DC’s tenuous continuity and has gone after heroes like Ambush Bug or Harley Quinn. Jonni was killed prior to Flashpoint, but the reboot brought her back into her position of authority.

Much like how the Time Variance Authority keeps a watch out for dangers to the timeline, Jonni DC and her crew are always on the hunt for aberrations to DC’s continuity. Given how frequent Crises have become in the DC Universe in the last several years, a figure like Jonni DC is needed now more than ever. Jonni mentions that she has to deal with the Huntress next, someone whose origin has similarly had numerous changes that are hard to keep straight. Continuity can be a real mess with all of the upheaval in the DC Universe, and Jonni DC is needed to keep things orderly.

Jonni DC is the Secret Hero of the DC Universe

Jonni DC in Space with Earths Exploding

Dark Nights: Death Metal essentially ended with everything in DC history becoming canon once more. While that’s a nice idea in theory, in practice it’s undoubtedly going to cause a lot of snafus for various characters’ histories. Thankfully, the DC Universe has Jonni DC looking out for it. While there’s no guarantee she can stop any future Crisis from throwing the timeline out of whack again, she’s at least making sure that the DC Universe’s continuity is as straight as possible.

Blue Beetle #7 is available now from DC Comics.

Blue Beetle #7 (2024)

Blue Beetle 7 Cover with Additional Heroes DC

  • Writer: Josh Trujillo
  • Artists: Scott Kolins Cully Hamner, Howard Porter, Adrián Gutiérrez, and Natacha Bustos
  • Colorists: Natacha Bustos, Laura Martin, Wil Quintana, Hi-Fi, and Luis Guerrero
  • Letterer: Lucas Gattoni
  • Cover Artist: Adrián Gutiérrez