DC Nerfs a Justice League Icon, Officially Downgrading Them to Their Original Power Set

DC Nerfs a Justice League Icon, Officially Downgrading Them to Their Original Power Set

Instead of receiving a power upgrade, a trend that has become commonplace in recent DC narratives, one iconic Justice League member has undergone a reversal to their original power set without any explanation provided. Despite the potentially negative implications of this decision, this downgrade may ultimately prove beneficial, preventing the character from becoming excessively overpowered.

Batman / Superman: World’s Finest #14 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora continues its Metamorpho-centric storyline, with Rex “Metamorpho” Mason emerging as one of Batman and Superman’s primary suspects in the murder of billionaire Simon Stagg.

DC Nerfs a Justice League Icon, Officially Downgrading Them to Their Original Power Set

In line with the preceding issue, this installment showcases Metamorpho’s transmutation powers in action, highlighting Rex’s capability to transform his body into various elements and compounds, assuming diverse forms. However, the issue also reveals that Metamorpho has reverted back to his original transmutation abilities, with no acknowledgment of his previously evolved powers.

Batman / Superman: World’s Finest Returns Metamorpho to His Original Transmutation Power Set

Batman Superman World's Finest #14 talking about metamorpho

Metamorpho’s original power set allowed him to transmorph into any element naturally found within the human body. However, over the years, this restriction appeared to disappear, as Rex demonstrated the ability to transmorph into elements found outside the human body as well. Yet, it seems that Waid and Mora’s run is returning Metamorpho to his original power set. Issue #14 explicitly states this through NewMazo’s declaration: “Mason can replicate only the elements in the human body.” Thus, Rex is completely stripped of his ability to transform into anything outside of these parameters.

However, Metamorpho’s explicitly stated power constraint is contradicted within the same run. For instance, in issue #13, Batman mentions Rex’s ability to transform into VX Nerve Gas, “a human-made chemical warfare agent.” While the exact ingredients for this compound are unknown, it is highly unlikely that all elements for this nerve gas are found in the human body naturally. Additionally, in issue #14, Rex transforms into firefighting foam, which includes the synthetic chemical AFFF in its makeup. Thus, there are several examples contradicting the notion that Rex can only transform into elements and compounds naturally found in the human body.

Metamorpho in DC Comics Art


DC’s Most Powerful Origin Story Belongs To One Hero Everybody Forgets

Of all the heroes in the DC Universe, Superman reveals Metamorpho overcame one of the most devastating origin stories to reach his current role.

Ultra-Morph Proves That a Metamorpho With No Limits Is Too Overpowered

Ultra-Morpho from Batman Superman World's Finest #14

DC’s decision to revert Metamorpho to his original power set is likely for the best, as a Metamorpho with no limits on the elements and complex compounds he could transform into would be too overpowered. Fans witness the potential consequences of such unlimited power in Batman / Superman: World’s Finest #14 and #15, with the introduction of Ultra-Morpho, an android created by NewMazo with Metamorpho’s powers, but without any of Rex’s limitations. Ultra-Morpho demonstrates his overwhelming power by transforming into multiple deadly substances, including kryptonite and acid. Therefore, a downgrade for Justice League’s Metamorpho may ultimately be a prudent decision.

Batman / Superman: World’s Finest #14 is available now from DC Comics!


Batman Superman World's Finest #14 cover featuring Stagg

  • Writer: Mark Waid
  • Artist: Dan Mora
  • Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
  • Letterer: Steve Wands
  • Cover Artist: Dan Mora

Justice League