DC Just Killed Batman for the Most Unbelievable Reason Yet

DC Just Killed Batman for the Most Unbelievable Reason Yet

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #1!The end is coming for Batman, but not for the reason fans may have expected. Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham presents a Dark Knight more committed than ever to devoting his life to his mission of stamping out crime. But Bruce Wayne is about to enact a plan that will put an end to the last vestiges of his humanity.

Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #1 by Rafael Grampá with Mateus Lopes explores a sicker, darker version of Gotham and its Dark Knight is doing everything in his power to save it. Batman realizes how much he needs to devote himself to crime-fighting after he’s nearly killed by a new villain named Crytoon.

DC Just Killed Batman for the Most Unbelievable Reason Yet

While his faithful assistant Alfred patches him up, Batman reveals that he’s planning to declare himself dead so he can focus 100% of his efforts on protecting Gotham. Despite Alfred’s protests, Bruce has already prepared a media blitz that’s set to launch as soon as he’s taken care of Crytoon.

Batman is Ready to Kill His Bruce Wayne Identity to Protect Gotham Full-Time

Bruce Wayne Plans His Death DC

Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham is an Elseworlds-style tale separate from the Prime DC Universe continuity. While Batman’s city has often been filled with corruption and crime, this new version is far worse. Twisted serial killers, drugs flooding the streets, and slavery are just a few of the problems harming the innocent people of Gotham. This Gotham isn’t beset by Batman’s usual collection of criminals, but the ills its facing are making the Dark Knight all too aware of just how much he needs to go all-in as Batman if he has any chance of saving his city’s soul.

In the prime continuity, Batman has downplayed the importance of his identity as Bruce Wayne and repeatedly shown a willingness to give it up at any moment. But this version of the Caped Crusader is actually about to take the leap the main Batman never has and become his dark superhero identity full-time. The only way Batman feels like he can make a difference in the rot festering in Gotham is by abandoning the last remnants of his humanity. But in doing so, he might be giving up the one thing protecting him from the darkness infecting Gotham.

Batman Giving Up Bruce Wayne is the Worst Mistake He Could Make

Batman Planning Bruce Wayne's Death DC

Despite Bruce’s thoughts otherwise, it doesn’t behoove him to become Batman full-time. Yes, diving headfirst into his crime-fighting crusade could potentially increase his effect on the city. But he’d have no reprieve from the darkness enveloping his city and that’s bound to have a serious effect on his body and psyche. Being Bruce Wayne is more than just a cover for Batman. It’s a part of him that allows him distance from the horrors he encounters in his city and it reminds him of his own humanity. Being Batman might be a good thing for the city, but he needs Bruce Wayne to give him the balance he desperately needs.

Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #1 is on sale now from DC Comics.