DC Confirms [SPOILER]’s Top Speed Is Faster Than Superman

DC Confirms [SPOILER]’s Top Speed Is Faster Than Superman

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Jay Garrick: The Flash #6!When an emergency threatens billions of lives and one special person, a surprising DC Comics hero proves that they have Superman-level speed. The Man of Steel might be blessed with Kryptonian physiology that allows him to pull off incredible feats, but when the chips are down, one hero pushes themselves to go faster than they thought possible.

In Jay Garrick: The Flash #6 by Jeremy Adams and Diego Olortegui, the Golden Age Flash is running for his life to save his daughter Judy Garrick from Doctor Elemental. Elemental is using Judy as a battery to power a device that will transform Earth’s population into metahumans (at least, those who survive the transformation).

DC Confirms [SPOILER]’s Top Speed Is Faster Than Superman

The Flash can’t remove Judy directly, so he outruns the current she’s generating and destroys every piece of Elemental’s device across the globe to disrupt the circuit. Jay successfully stops the device and saves Judy’s life, but nearly kills himself in the process.

The Golden Age Flash Pulled Off a Superman-Level Stunt

Jay Garrick and his Daughter DC

It was thought for years that the DC Universe’s first Flash was one of the few Golden Age heroes not to pass on a legacy. But that changed when Stargirl discovered the Boom, Jay’s daughter that he had decades ago who’d been plucked out of the time stream along with several other sidekicks from the Golden Age. Judy was returned to her parents, who were faced with the challenge of raising a teenager in their twilight years. Not to mention, Doctor Elemental, one of the few people who remembered Judy, became obsessed with using her power for his plans.

Seeing the Golden Age Flash pull off this kind of stunt is wildly impressive. Jay knows that he’s far from one of the fastest speedsters, ranking Barry Allen, Wally West, and even his own daughter above him. Not to mention, while Jay is a hell of a hero, he’s far from his prime hero years. But while outrunning a bolt of energy seemed like a job for the Man of Steel, Jay showed that he still had it in him to push himself. He might not be Clark, but the Flash demonstrated he’s got Superman-level power hidden in him.

Don’t Think DC’s First Flash is Too Old to Save the Day

Jay Garrick DC Comics

Jay Garrick might not be the first Flash most think of, but he’s a Flash all the same. When the chips were down and the lives of billions, including Jay’s own daughter, were at risk, the Flash pulled down deep and accessed speed that could more than keep up with the Big Blue Boy Scout. Granted, it’s not a move Flash can use all the time and this instance was a terrible strain on his body. But the DC Universe’s Golden Age Flash showed everyone that when he needs it, he’s got Superman-like speed.

Jay Garrick: The Flash #6 is available now from DC Comics.

Jay Garrick: The Flash (2024)

Jay Garrick Flash 6 Cover Boom Running DC

  • Writer: Jeremy Adams
  • Artist: Diego Olortegui
  • Colorist: Luis Guerrero
  • Letterer: Steve Wands
  • Cover Artist: Diego Olortegui