DC Confirms Every Green Lantern Could Easily Be Replaced by ONE Hero

DC Confirms Every Green Lantern Could Easily Be Replaced by ONE Hero

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern #7!As powerful as the Green Lanterns are, they could easily be replaced by just one DC hero. After months of speculation, a flashback is shedding light on the Green Lantern Corps’ recent dramatic changes. But the new minds running the Corps don’t have much faith in their soldiers and think one hero could more than fill their shoes.

In a preview for Green Lantern #7 by Jeremy Adams, Peter J. Tomasi, Dale Eaglesham, and David Lafuente, a flashback shows the seven Earth-based Green Lanterns assembling on Oa with their fellow Corps members. The organization is officially being taken over by the United Planets and Earth’s Lanterns are already uncomfortable with the change.

The United Planets’ leaders drop the bomb that Sector 2814 is being quarantined due to the area’s high concentration of problems. Green Lantern Hal Jordan balks at the decision, saying that is the sector he and his comrades patrol. But United Planets’ leadership decrees that ‘the Kryptonian’ can do the work of every Lantern from the sector.

The Corps’ New Leaders Confirm Superman Can Replace Their Green Lanterns

DC Confirms Every Green Lantern Could Easily Be Replaced by ONE Hero

Things have been quite different for the Green Lantern Corps. The Guardians of the Universe strangely disappeared and in their place, the United Planets assumed control of the Corps. After Sector 2814, Earth’s Green Lanterns were reassigned to other parts of the universe. That is, except for Lanterns who resigned from the Corps. Hal Jordan and John Stewart returned to Earth, decommissioned from their posts. However, residual Green Light from an abandoned Manhunter allowed Jordan the chance to form a new Power Ring. Meanwhile, Stewart has retained the godlike upgrade he received after absorbing the powerful Godstorm.

Every Green Lantern is equipped with one of the most powerful weapons in the DC Universe: The Power Ring. Sector 2814 also has the privilege of being the only division with seven native Green Lanterns, far more than any other Sector. However, for all their might and the endless potential of their rings, the Corps’ new leaders think that Superman could easily take care of their duties. To be fair, it’s not an incorrect assumption as Superman is stronger and faster than the best ring-slinger. But it does raise the question of what the United Planets thinks Earth’s Lanterns should be doing if not protecting their home sector.

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Green Lantern Corps John Stewart DC Comics

Despite the high level of activity in the area, the United Planets doesn’t seem concerned about keeping Sector 2814 under its purview. It seems like a shortsighted decision given how Earth has been the focal point of numerous Crises. While it’s not wrong that Superman could make up for the loss of the Lanterns, it’s odd to remove every Lantern from their home sector. Do the United Planets actually think this is for the betterment of the Corps, or are they intentionally keeping Lanterns away from Sector 2814 for a more nefarious reason? Whatever the reason is, the Green Lanterns can’t let any hero, even Superman replace them if they want to find out what the United Planets are up to.

Green Lantern #7 is available from DC Comics on January 9th.