DC Confirms Batman’s True Equal is The Bat-Hero Everybody Ignores

DC Confirms Batman’s True Equal is The Bat-Hero Everybody Ignores

Warning: contains preview images for Detective Comics #1050!

In a new preview, DC Comics has confirmed that the Huntress is Batman’s true equal in the Bat-Family, despite being its most overlooked member. In a preview for Detective Comics #1050, Nightwing and the rest of the Bat-Family attempt to save Huntress from the mysterious, newly opened Arkham Tower; along the way, Nightwing offers his thoughts on Huntress—and reveals why Huntress and Batman do not see eye to eye. The issue, part of the “Shadows of the Bat” storyline, goes on sale in print and digital January 25.

There have been two characters named the Huntress in DC Comics, with Helena Bertinelli being the most prominent. The sole survivor of a gang-land massacre, Helena grew up seeking revenge. She adopted the name the Huntress and has been an ally of Batman ever since; she has also been romantically linked to Nightwing as well. Last year, Arkham Asylum was destroyed in a coordinated attack, leading to Gotham commissioning the new Arkham Tower in downtown. Batman is suspicious, and the Huntress has gone undercover to get to the truth of the new Arkham Tower; however, something has gone horribly wrong and now they must find a way to spring Huntress out. Detective Comics #1050, part four of “The Tower” is written by Mariko Tamaki, illustrated by Ivan Reis, inked by Danny Miki and colored by Brad Anderson.

As the preview opens, Nightwing reflects on a case from years ago, one he was working with Batman and Huntress. As Huntress fights off the Joker’s goons, Nightwing realizes that Huntress just might be Batman’s equal in the Bat-Family. Nightwing theorizes that he and other members of the Bat-Family processed their traumas by following a path similar to Batman’s—that is, they saw Batman’s example and followed it. However, Nightwing believes that Huntress chose her path well before she met Batman. He goes on to say “maybe that’s why there was always something” between the Huntress and Batman, that they were too alike to see eye to eye.

DC Confirms Batman’s True Equal is The Bat-Hero Everybody Ignores
Detective Comics 1050 Preview cover
Detective Comic 1050 Preview cover
Detective Comics 1050 cover
Detective Comics 1050 preview cover
Detective Comics 1050 cover 6
Detective Comics 1050 preview cover
Detective Comics 1050 preview page
Detective Comics 1050 preview page
Detective Comics 1050 preview page
Detective Comics 1050 preview page
Detective Comics 1050 preview page

When discussing prominent members of the Bat-Family, Huntress’ name rarely comes up, instead focusing on Nightwing, Batgirl or Red Hood. The Huntress rarely gets the credit she is due, so it is ironic that Nightwing would see her as the member of the Bat-Family most like Batman. Yet his analysis of her is spot-on. Like other members of the Bat-Family, the Huntress was born in violence; watching her family massacred in front of her is virtually the same trauma young Bruce Wayne endured. Yet the Huntress’ training and apprenticeship occurred independent of Batman—she found her way to the Bat-Family on her own. Batman may not see eye to eye with Huntress, but by and far she adheres to his rules, and he lets her operate in Gotham.

The Huntress is the overlooked member of the Bat-Family, but ironically the one most like Batman himself. If she were to ever turn bad, rejecting Batman’s no-kill rule, then the Dark Knight and his allies would have a true fight on their hands.