DC Already Confirmed Exactly How to Beat Flash’s Powers

DC Already Confirmed Exactly How to Beat Flash’s Powers

It looks like DC has already keyed fans on how the Flash can be beaten for good. The Flash #49 reveals that Barry Allen can be taken down pretty effectively with some clever and dangerous planning.

While most heroes have weaknesses villains often exploit in order to get an edge over their enemies, the Flash is a bit harder to hurt. With his speeds, he can easily defeat most criminals in the blink of an eye, never even giving people a chance to try and hurt him. Thanks to the mysterious and odd nature of the phenomena known as the Speed Force, heroes that channel its godlike power find themselves able to avoid almost any kind of damage. The Flash may be human and not exactly bulletproof, but with him able to move speeds that defy all logic, he rarely has to worry about harm ever coming to him.

And that line of logic may be the key to actually taking him down as one villain finally proved. In The Flash #49 by Robert Venditti, Van Jensen, and Philippe Briones, the Central City Police Department has just drafted the Scarlet Speedster’s greatest enemies, the Rogues, to help bring in the Flash. As Barry tries to figure out a way of handling the situation, Wallace West accidentally triggers a speed-sensitive drone the city has purchased in order to track the Flash. The Rogues storm Wallace’s school, causing Barry to hightail it and stop anyone from getting hurt. Flash takes on the Rogues and effortlessly avoids their usual gimmicks. However, he’s blindsided when Trickster fires off a bomb towards a crowd of kids. Barry discovers that the bomb is actually a restraint device and that Trickster was counting on Flash to play the hero and intercept the weapon.

Flash’s Morality Can Be Used Against Him

DC Already Confirmed Exactly How to Beat Flash’s Powers

He’s not the smartest Rogue, but the Trickster raises a good point. Despite the mastery of their weapons, none of them have a chance at keeping up with the Flash. But the villain is correct that the Flash would risk his life in an instant if it meant protecting innocent people, especially children. Captain Cold might be the most well-equipped Rogue to deal with Flash, but Trickster’s ability to think outside the box resulted in the Flash walking straight into a trap.

The Rogues are probably some of the best villains to take on the Flash, with each of them having specialized weaponry to counter the Flash’s powers. But even when they’re at the top of their game, Flash’s speed is too much, even for a seasoned pro like Cold. Trickster is right that the only way to beat the Flash is by using his own morality against him. By threatening innocent bystanders, Barry isn’t thinking about playing defense for himself. Instead, he’s going to do everything he can to protect the civilians. Unfortunately, that throws him off his game and allows his enemies to get the drop on him. Flash’s love of the people sadly creates a blind spot his enemies can use to defeat him.