DC Admits One Hero Should Be on the Justice League (But Refuses)

DC Admits One Hero Should Be on the Justice League (But Refuses)

DC has admitted that Metamorpho belongs in the Justice League – but he refused the team’s membership offer. For many heroes in the DC Universe, the Justice League is the pinnacle, the team that everyone aspires to be on, but in 2007’s Metamorpho: Year One, the League scouts out Metamorpho for potential membership, putting him through a gauntlet that would intimidate most heroes. When he makes it through, he is offered a membership – but he turns them down.

Metamorpho was created by Bob Haney and Ramona Fradon and first appeared in 1965’s The Brave and the Bold #57. Metamorpho was once adventurer Rex Mason who, after stumbling across the mysterious artifact known as the Orb of Ra, was transformed, able to change his body’s elemental makeup; the process also gave him super strength and durability. Metamorpho had a difficult relationship with those around him – he was in love with Sapphire Stagg, the daughter of evil billionaire Simon Stagg. Stagg, who employed Metamorpho before his transformation, was angry at Mason for dating his daughter, and Stagg cooked up a plan to betray him. Stagg’s henchman Java knocked Mason out, leaving him in the pyramid where he was exposed to the Orb of Ra. Although Stagg had originally intended to kill Mason, he saw an opportunity in his transformation, and kept him on the payroll – and under his control. This did not stop the Justice League from scouting Metamorpho for potential membership – except it did not go as they planned.

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In Metamorpho: Year One #6, written by Dan Jurgens and illustrated by Mike Norton, Metamorpho is flying on Stagg’s private jet along with Stagg, Java and Sapphire. Metamorpho is being interviewed by Clark Kent. Their plane, piloted by Hal Jordan, lands on a mysterious island, where they are quickly attacked by Goldface, a minor Green Lantern villain. Goldface takes Kent and Jordan out early, coating them with gold dust that hardens around them. As the only hero around, Metamorpho must fight Goldface, and he is successful at turning the villain back – however, he soon learns this has all been a ruse, engineered by the Justice League. Clark and Hal were never in any danger, and other members such as the Flash, Batman and the Atom took turns acting as Goldface. The League reveals they wanted to confirm Metamorpho’s character before offering him membership. Metamorpho refuses, saying he has no desire to be a hero and wishes to be turned back to Rex Mason. Green Lantern uses his Power Ring to scan Metamorpho’s chemical makeup, and learns he cannot help change him back. Metamorpho thanks them anyway and tells them he will look them up if he changes his mind.

Metamorpho Belongs on the Justice League

DC Admits One Hero Should Be on the Justice League (But Refuses)

The Justice League is the premier superhero team in the DC Universe, made up of the best and brightest – so it is highly unusual for someone to turn down a membership offer. Metamorpho proves himself worthy of being in the Justice League, holding his own against (what he thinks is) a supervillain – yet he lets his own insecurities and self-loathing get in the way. The other members of the League are understandably shocked when Metamorpho turns the offer down, but are ultimately understanding, leaving the door open should he change his mind.

In later years, Metamorpho got over his aversion to teams, serving on both the Outsiders with Batman and later as a member of Justice League Europe; he has served with distinction on both teams. Yet early in his career, Metamorpho was scouted by the main Justice League – and turned their offer down.

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