David Tennant On The Challenge Of Finding The Next Doctor Who

David Tennant On The Challenge Of Finding The Next Doctor Who

Previous Doctor Who actor, David Tennant, has recently opened up about why it is so hard to pick a new actor to play the iconic character. Tennant himself played the tenth iteration of the famed Time Lord between 2006 and 2008, and is widely considered to be one of the best portrayals of the character. Currently, the role is held by Jodie Whittaker (the first woman to ever take on the role), however, Whittaker’s final Doctor Who episode for 2022.

In addition to Whittaker’s departure, it has also been announced that writer Russell T. Davies will be returning as show runner. Davies has previously acted as show runner for Doctor Who, however, he departed the series at the same time as Tennant. Since then, the series has seen two different show runners, with Steven Moffat and Chris Chibnall earning mixed reviews from viewers, with the widespread opinion being that the show has seen a slow decline in quality since Davies departure. With the news of Davies’ return, many fans have begun to wonder just which actor the show runner will choose to become the fourteenth official incarnation of the Doctor.

In a recent interview with THR, Tennant was asked if he had any top choices of who he’d like to see take on the role next. Tennant stated that he believes it is a very difficult job to pick just the right actor to become the Doctor, and ultimately, he was glad the task did not fall to him. Tennant mentioned that the task was so difficult as the character “can sort of go anywhere.” He went on to state that despite this, “you just know when the casting is right.” Check out the full quote below:

“Hmm. Well it’s a big decision to make, isn’t it? I’m glad I’m not making the decision. It’s a part that can sort of go anywhere, and yet you just know when that casting is right. It’s very hard to pluck someone out and drop them in it. So I’m glad I don’t have to decide. Was that a good dodge to your question?”

David Tennant On The Challenge Of Finding The Next Doctor Who

Doctor Who is one of the most popular and iconic properties in sci-fi, so casting the next lead is no easy task. There’s a lot of pressure on the creative team to get the choice right, since the hope is whoever is cast will headline Doctor Who for years. With that in mind, it’s understandable why Tennant is happy to not be part of the process. He makes a good point that the showrunners can’t just pluck anyone out and have them be Doctor Who. There will undoubtedly be a wide and secretive search for Whittaker’s replacement. Despite the magnitude of the job, Tennant has great confidence in Davies, saying there  “isn’t a Doctor Who brain like his in the country, on the planet, in the universe.”

Ultimately, fans can only speculate as to who the next Doctor may be, as no official information has been given. While many see Davies’ return to Doctor Who as a sign of the show returning to form, Whittaker’s stint as the time-travelling alien has shown that the series is capable of growing and changing, while remaining successful. Much criticism of the show’s recent season has fallen more on the writing rather than the actress’s portrayal of the character. However, if fans want to find out if Davies will take the show in yet another direction, or return to a more retro feel, it seems they will have to wait until Doctor Who returns in 2023.