David Fincher Just Disguised His First Comedy Movie As An Action Thriller, Fulfilling 9-Year-Old Genre Tease

David Fincher Just Disguised His First Comedy Movie As An Action Thriller, Fulfilling 9-Year-Old Genre Tease

Director David Fincher just released his newest film, The Killer, on Netflix, and while it may seem like any other action-thriller from the iconic director, it is actually Fincher’s very first comedy, following a trend he hinted at nine years ago. David Fincher first gained critical success as a filmmaker in 1995 when he made his film, Seven, starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Since then, the director has gone on to make more highly popular psychological thrillers such as Zodiac, Fight Club, Gone Girl, The Social Network, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and Mank. The Killer is Fincher’s twelfth film.

Although The Killer seems to have all the making of a classic David Fincher movie, his latest project is definitely a bit different from its predecessors. For context, The Killer follows a skilled assassin who is typically pathological in his work, but who finds himself potentially losing his mind while waiting for a particularly long kill. The film stars Michael Fassbender and Tilda Swinton. While following an experienced murderer may seem right up Fincher’s alley, a companion piece to Mindhunter perhaps, the fact is that, The Killer has a quality that almost none of Fincher’s previous thrillers have had.

The Killer Is Unexpectedly David Fincher’s Funniest Movie Yet

Despite being marketed as a dramatic thriller, The Killer is actually one of David Fincher’s funniest movies yet. While the premise may seem dark and verging on intense, there is a great amount of levity within the film that makes it a more comedic experience. Michael Fassbender’s assassin is not the chaotic or brooding assassin that one might expect, even just from looking at him. In reality, his character is quirky and his every thought and action proves it. Right from the start of the film, it is clear that The Killer may not be as gritty as one would expect from a Fincher film.

The Killer’s comedy doesn’t just hinge on the titular character either. It seems as though the whole world of The Killer is a part of the joke, from the main cast all the way down to the extras. If anything, The Killer is a world separate from ours, where anything can happen, and somehow, the funniest option prevails. This is especially true when it comes to the assassins and their fumbled attempts at completing their mission. All in all, The Killer is not as much as a funny thriller, but a comedy set in a thriller background.

The Killer Fully Realizes Fincher’s Dark Comedy Potential After Gone Girl

David Fincher Just Disguised His First Comedy Movie As An Action Thriller, Fulfilling 9-Year-Old Genre Tease

Though David Fincher makes notably serious films, The Killer’s comedy is not entirely unexpected. The Social Network has its share of funny moments, and even a crime thriller like Gone Girl has a taste of comedy. The 2014 film starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike may be about a missing woman, but doesn’t shy away from joking about the situation and the people in it. In this way, Gone Girl gave a hint as to what Fincher would be capable of with The Killer, and now, it has all come to fruition. The Killer is Fincher’s most comedic film as of late, and maybe, his films will only get funnier.