David Duchovny & Michelle Monaghan Interview: The Craft Legacy

David Duchovny & Michelle Monaghan Interview: The Craft Legacy

While The Craft: Legacy is still at its heart about four women who form a coven, the reboot delves more deeply into the newest member’s family life. Lily (Cailee Spaeny) and her mom Helen move to town in order to live with Helen’s boyfriend and his three sons. Of course, what starts as a tale of blended families soon becomes a spooky story of its own for the ladies.

In the reboot of the 1996 classic, which is now available on VOD, Lily and her friends’ worldview and magic abilities collide with her stepfather Adam’s (David Duchovny) twisted 1950s brand of masculinity. This hidden side of him throws even her free-spirited mother (Michelle Monaghan) for a loop.

David Duchovny and Michelle Monaghan spoke to Screen Rant about how they prepared the backstory for their lovebirds, as well as the powerful forces other than magic that drive their own lives.

David Duchovny & Michelle Monaghan Interview: The Craft Legacy

I thought it was fascinating how we were thrown into this new relationship and family unit along with Lily. Can you both discuss how your characters met, and what your relationship was before you joined the households?

David Duchovny: Michelle and I got to meet before we would work, so it was important for us to do that, because it’s kind of a shorthand. There’s not much of that relationship in the movie, but you have to believe it as being serious enough so that she would move in with her daughter.

Michelle and I talked about how we had to get comfortable with one another, which we did quite quickly. And we had to talk about how we shorthand that kind of ease or that depth of the relationship, so it doesn’t just seem like, “Wow, that’s weird that they’re moving in together.” I don’t know that we talked about anything specific about backstory, but we did talk about trying to have the feel of a backstory anyway.

Michelle, I know that Lily and Helen had a really close bond because they didn’t have anyone else. How do you think that that shaped their relationship, and how that was changed when you moved into the household?

Michelle Monaghan: Well, I think what was really special about their relationship is that they are really connected, close and tight knit – and they really had to lean on each other. And I think Helen’s struggle is: how do you maintain that supportive relationship while at the same time kind of pursuing a romance? And really feeling like you’re entitled to that, and you need that.

I think that’s tricky territory, especially as a young person who’s going through adolescence, and the expectations that they have by having to go to new school and all the things and the sacrifices you’re asking them to make for your own happiness. I think that they’re really trying to find what that new balances for themselves.

David, Adam has a lot of more layers than one would have expected when he’s just dad of the year. What was it that drew you to the role, and how do you contain those multitudes as an actor?

David Duchovny: Yeah. Well, what drew me to the role was this idea that this guy could seem like – in a way, that what we refer to as toxic masculinity or whatever, is very much in the same ballpark as that Leave it to Beaver kind of dad figure. That was kind of fun for me to realize, and then to kind of play with how it’s not an about face, it’s part of the same thing. So, I tried to play in that area, I guess.

Michelle Monaghan: You humanized him.

David Duchovny: Yeah, and we had to do that. To expand on what Michelle was saying, if Adam was such an obvious kind of jerk, then that would that would reflect poorly on Michelle’s character as a mom, and then the whole thing starts to fall apart. So, I felt like we had to be very careful – even though we didn’t have a lot of time in the relationship – to make sure that it was somewhat understandable on some level that this woman would take her child and put her in his house. It was tricky.

Lovie Simone, Zoey Luna, Cailee Spaeny and Gideon Adlon in The Craft Legacy
Lovie Simone, Zoey Luna, Cailee Spaeny and Gideon Adlon in The Craft: Legacy

I love that each of you have your own catchphrase about power. Right? There’s “your difference is your power” for Helen, and then for Adam, it’s “order is power.” For you personally, in your lives, what is power?

Michelle Monaghan: It’s interesting. I don’t really use the word; I don’t really relate to the word “power” in my life. I definitely relate to being empowered. I don’t look at the word power as something that I necessarily identify with. Sometimes there’s a little bit of a power trip when I’m trying to get my kids to bed, but that’s another thing.

I definitely feel like empowerment is very much a part of all of our lives. And I would say that for me, feeling empowered is being able to advocate for advocate for myself. To be honest with myself, it’s one of those things that I’m trying to instill in my own daughter and my own son; to honor those instincts, whatever they are, and to advocate for yourself as well as others. That’s kind of what empowerment means to me. A play on power, I suppose, but I guess power is taking ownership of that for yourself and what you can do.

David Duchovny: Yeah, for me, I think it’s presence. Just the ability to be present, which also means the ability to change… As I space out. Presence as I am not present at all in that moment. That’s an example of lack of power.

Michelle Monaghan: Oh, but I actually really relate to that, because I think you’re right. I think that one of the biggest struggles nowadays is really truly to stay present; to be in the moment.

One of the things that [Zoe Lister-Jones] did on almost maybe a daily basis when she directed the film, is that she requested everybody take a minute and breathe. To do a couple of little breathing [exercises], you know, “Take three breaths. Everybody, take three breaths.” There’s power in that. I think that’s a really good point, David. How do we turn our brains off for a little bit and just kind of listen to ourselves, as opposed to all the noise out there?

The Craft: Legacy is available everywhere through VOD.