Darth Maul SAVED The Galaxy Long Before The Phantom Menace (Yes, Really)

Darth Maul SAVED The Galaxy Long Before The Phantom Menace (Yes, Really)

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #1

Star Wars has revealed that Darth Maul actually saved the entire galaxy before the events of The Phantom Menace (and no one ever knew). Despite being the first Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious/Palpatine, a mission carried out by Darth Maul resulted in the galaxy being spared a terrible fate. While it was still in the name of the dark side of the Force, Maul’s canonical new series from Marvel Comics proves that there are worse things than the Dark Lords of the Sith.

As seen in Marvel’s Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #1 from Benjamin Percy and Stefano Raffaele, Darth Sidious sends his apprentice to investigate a prison ship overtaken by a Force cult known as the Final Occultation. Thanks to the cult sending transmissions filled with agonized screams and mind-breaking horrors, Sidious is very eager to learn about their chaotic power sourced from the netherworld of the Force and how it might be used for his ends. However, Maul quickly recognizes the true chaos and danger the cult poses by the end of this issue, set before the Star Wars prequels:

Darth Maul SAVED The Galaxy Long Before The Phantom Menace (Yes, Really)

Confirming that the Final Occultation would have broken the galaxy had he not destroyed them by crashing the prison ship, this issue confirms that Darth Maul saved the Star Wars galaxy from this Force cult that intended to overwhelm it in absolute chaos and terror-filled pain.

Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars The Phantom Menace, Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars A New Hope, Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars The Force Awakens


Star Wars Movies In Order: How To Watch Release Order, Chronologically & With The TV Shows

What’s the best way to watch Star Wars? Here’s everything you need to know to watch in release or timeline order, and how to include the TV shows.

Darth Maul Was Offered New Power Beyond The Sith

Sidious’ Apprentice Saw The Truth Of The Final Occultation

Darth Maul Receives Offer To Join Final Occultation

Facing the leading trinity of the Final Occultation one by one, the final leader did promise Maul a position among their ranks. Offering him the chance to become one of their high priests due to his knowledge and control of pain, Maul could have embraced their chaotic power and desire to break the entire galaxy in agony. However, Maul rejects their offer due to his training and beliefs in the ways of the Sith.

Unlike this new Force cult, the Sith Lords wield the dark side of the Force to subjugate and exert their will and control over the galaxy. Power and control are their core tenets, and Maul correctly sees that the Final Occulation seeks only chaos and discord. To that end, Maul knew that they would have to be destroyed to maintain the will of the Sith, while also saving the galaxy from a fate that likely would have been much darker and worse than the plans of his master.

Ray Park as Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace

Darth Maul

Palpatine’s apprentice, Darth Maul was nothing more than a tool to winnow down the ranks of the Jedi ahead of Darth Sidious’ true plans. Discarded after he was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo, Darth Maul swore revenge against all those he blamed for his past struggles – Jedi and Sith alike. Maul tended to operate within the shadows, running various syndicates, and even established himself as a true rival for Palpatine on at least one occasion. He was eventually killed by Obi-Wan in a duel on Tatooine.

Created By

George Lucas


Ray Park
, Sam Witwer

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace


Star Wars Rebels


Sith/Shadow Collective, Crimson Dawn




Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

TV Shows

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
, Star Wars Rebels


Star Wars

Darth Maul Saved The Galaxy By Defying His Master

Maul Saw The Need For Order

Darth Maul Defies Darth Sidious In New Star Wars Comic

Darth Maul saving the galaxy from the Final Occultation did involve defying his master (to a degree). As an act of borderline Sith heresy not uncommon for Palpatine, the Sith Lord originally wanted Maul to take prisoners so he could interrogate and learn more about their power. However, Maul believed it was far too dangerous to keep any of them alive. As such, Maul ensured that the legacy of the Final Occultation ended with him, an impressive and equally surprising mission that confirms he saved the Star Wars galaxy before trying to bring it under the control of the Sith in The Phantom Menace.

Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #1 (2024)


  • Writer: Benjamin Percy
  • Artist: Stefano Raffaele
  • Colorist: Raúl Angulo
  • Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Alex Maleev

Star_Wars_Episode_I_The_Phantom_menace movie poster

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace


The beginning of the Skywalker Saga, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace sees young Anakin Skywalker put on his path to discovering his ability to influence the Force. While attempting to thwart the nefarious Trade Federation in their plans for the planet of Naboo, two Jedi discover an exceptionally-gifted slave with the ability to wield the Force. Little do they know, rescuing him is just the beginning of a saga that will span generations of the Skywalker family.  


George Lucas

Release Date

May 19, 1999




20th Century


George Lucas


Ewan McGregor
, Liam Neeson
, Natalie Portman
, Jake Lloyd
, Ahmed Best
, Ian McDiarmid
, Anthony Daniels
, Kenny Baker
, Pernilla August
, Frank Oz
, Ray Park
, Samuel L. Jackson


133 minutes


Star Wars


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
, Solo: A Star Wars Story
, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
, Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
, Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
, Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens
, Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi
, Star Wars: Episode IX- The Rise of Skywalker


$115 Million