Dark Souls: Remastered – Advanced Tips & Tricks

Dark Souls: Remastered – Advanced Tips & Tricks

Arguably From Software’s most popular game series, launching the company into stardom, Dark Souls is one of the cornerstones of the gaming industry. Combining brutal difficulty, subtle storytelling, RPG elements, fluid, and genre-defining combat, the Souls series has amassed a cult following ever since the release of Demon Souls. It is telling of the quality of the series in its creation of a subgenre of action RPG “souls-like” adventure games. The franchise has solidified itself as one of the greatest to grace the gaming market. With a catalog of sequels, titles inspired by the Souls formula, Dark Souls is a household name, illustrating the talent of From Software’s employees.

With the release of Dark Souls Remastered, fans of the original title are met with a polished recreation of the fan-favorite entry. Arguably, the original Dark Souls is the greatest in the series. Providing players with a more open world of exploration in the early stages of the game, a variety of intense and memorable boss fights, and arguably the best story of any of the Souls games, the original entry is a cult-classic. However, with these positives in mind, the original Dark Souls is one of the hardest entries in the series and is incredibly punishing for new players. This guide will provide players with essential tips to improve their gameplay and establish themselves as quality Dark Souls players.

Learning How to Properly Roll in Dark Souls Remastered

Dark Souls: Remastered – Advanced Tips & Tricks

Although not exclusive to the franchise, but a distinguishing quality of the Souls series is its rolling system. An evasive maneuver that provides players invincibility frames and some necessary mobility options to tackle the more difficult fights in the game. However, a player’s use of the roll can impact their success going forward throughout the provided missions.

Many new players tend to roll backward when facing enemies. This an understandable response, when fighting a tough enemy you want to roll away from the creature to get some space and heal. However, this is one of the worst ways to use the roll function in all of Dark Souls and can lead to some frustrating deaths for players new to the series.

Many attacks within Dark Souls possess incredibly range and forward advancing movement. This is why rolling backward, more often than not, lead to players getting absolutely destroyed by strong enemies. As the backward roll places players directly in the path of an enemy’s most powerful moves.

Instead of rolling backward learn how to react to an enemy’s attacks and roll towards or to the side of that enemy. This puts you in positions of advantage to absolutely destroy the attacking enemy with consecutive attacks. This technique will come in handy as you fight tougher and tougher enemies throughout the game’s compendium of boss fights.

Master the Right Weapon For You in Dark Souls Remastered

What makes Dark Souls such a fan-favorite franchise is its variety of weapons and playstyle for players. There is a weapon for every style of play within Dark Souls, and finding the right one for you will not only increase your enjoyment in the game but also your success.

One of the most popular weapon archetypes within Dark Souls is the strength weapons. These range from the powerful Greatswords to clubs, to maces, and any large weapon found in the game. These weapons cater more for players who like to get in close to their enemies and dish out massive damage. Keep in mind, that these weapons tend to be slower than some of the other weapons in the game.

After the Strength weapons come weapons connected to the Dexterity stat. Dexterity weapons are much quicker than Strength weapons, and trade stopping power for quick and rapid attacks in quick succession. Dexterity weaponry includes everything from katanas to daggers. Dexterity weapons tend to be more advanced but provide some insane mobility and damage.

The next category will be referred to as Magic weapons. Magic-style weapons are separated into several different stats within Dark Souls. There is no one set Magic stat and that reflects in the varying Magic styles found throughout Dark Souls. From Pyromancy to standard Magic, and moving the Faith abilities, the Magic weapons and techniques have varying styles. For players looking to adopt a Magic-based playstyle, keep in mind this is the HARDEST way to play Dark Souls. Your entire playstyle revolves around slow magic-based attacks that are at their best at the range. Most players tend to create Magic hybrid classes, utilizing a powerful melee style on top of their magic attacks.

No matter which weapon style you pick, there is a playstyle for every kind of player. So experiment and find the one best fit for your style of play.

Dark Souls Remastered is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.