Daredevil’s Silliest Villain Proves He’d Make An Awesome Superhero

Daredevil’s Silliest Villain Proves He’d Make An Awesome Superhero

Spoilers for Daredevil #7 by Marvel ComicsA classic Daredevil villain just proved he’d make a pretty good superhero, as Stilt-Man showed he has what it takes to shed his criminal past. In Daredevil #7 by Marvel Comics, Matt Murdock and his group of former villains help stop a bombing at a building where tenants are being unfairly evicted. When a young child falls off the top of the complex, Stilt-Man uses his armor to save him, showing the Daredevil villain’s potential as a hero.

In Daredevil #7 by Chip Zdarsky, Rafael De Latorre, Marco Checchetto, Elisabetta D’Amico, Matthew Wilson, and VC’s Clayton Cowles, Daredevil and the villains he broke out of prison to help him in his quest to take down The Hand arrive in North Carolina. The newly anointed King of the Fist tests the former villains to see if they can do some good, leading them to a protest over a corporation unfairly evicting tenants of a building. With police using excessive violence to evict those who refuse to leave, Daredevil realizes that bombs have been planted throughout the building – sending the villains to stop it. However, after a young child falls off a rooftop in the subsequent explosion after being chased by police, Stilt-Man saves them by extending his legs and catching them before they are killed.

Stilt-Man Is On A Path To Redemption

Stilt-Man is one of Marvel’s most ridiculous villains, as he sports a suit of armor with extending metal legs that can make him as tall as some buildings. Stilt-Man first debuted in Daredevil #8 and has become an antagonist for the street-level heroes, Daredevil and Spider-Man, and most recently appeared as a foe to Iron Man. However, in the new Daredevil series from Marvel Comics, Stilt-Man is trying to become a hero, with his latest actions showing he’s taking a step in the right direction.

Daredevil’s Silliest Villain Proves He’d Make An Awesome Superhero

Stilt-Man has a long way to prove that he’s abandoned his villainous ways, but the silliest Daredevil foe is on track to redemption. Fighting alongside Matt Murdock and Elektra against The Hand while saving a young child from being killed shows he’s changing and embracing fighting as a hero. Both Daredevils should be impressed with Stilt-Man’s turn to heroism.

While Stilt-Man will likely become a villain again someday in the future, it’s nice to see the longtime Daredevil bad guy get a chance at being a hero – as given a chance, he proves to be pretty good at it. But, of course, time will tell how long his redemption arc lasts. Daredevil #7 by Marvel Comics is in comic book stores now.