Danny DeVito Got Michelle Pfeiffer’s Approval for Penguin/Catwoman Romance

Danny DeVito Got Michelle Pfeiffer’s Approval for Penguin/Catwoman Romance

Warning! Spoilers for Gotham City Villains: Anniversary Giant #1

Actor and comic book writer Danny DeVito received approval from Michelle Pfeiffer for his romantic tale involving their Batman Returns roles of Penguin and Catwoman. The iconic villain duo reunites and strikes up a relationship in DeVito’s recent story featured in Gotham City Villains: Anniversary Giant #1.

Previously making headlines for his comic book writing debut, Batman fans were intrigued to see what kind of a story Danny DeVito had to tell. The actor seemed like a good choice to write Oswald Cobblepot AKA the Penguin since he practically redefined the villain in the Tim Burton film. When Gotham City Villains: Anniversary Giant #1 released, some readers were surprised to discover that DeVito’s Batman comic involved a romance between Catwoman and Cobblepot. The two rogues even share a kiss in the story titled “Bird Cat Love” written by DeVito with art by Dan Mora.

According to an interview with Forbes, DeVito reached out to his Batman Returns co-star Michelle Pfeiffer directly, ahead of their characters’ comic book romance. Before the Penguin and Catwoman got together, he asked for Pfeiffer’s blessing. DeVito recounted the phone call, saying, “I did call Michelle and tell her that I was doing it. I said, ‘Look, it’s like my fantasy and it’s my dream come true to have an incredible romance with such a beautiful woman. Oswald, I’m talking about, and Selina.’ She was very excited to hear about it.”

Danny DeVito Got Michelle Pfeiffer’s Approval for Penguin/Catwoman Romance

Fittingly published at the start of the holiday season as Batman Returns was set at Christmastime, both DeVito and Cobblepot received an early Christmas present in the form of a comic book romance. Although it makes some sense that the Penguin would have a crush on Selina Kyle, it’s jarring that she would reciprocate— especially having come off of her relationship with Bruce Wayne AKA the Batman. Regardless, “the bird and the cat” joining forces again is undeniably nostalgic, as Burton’s film featuring DeVito and Pfeiffer in the roles continues to define the villains for many fans.

Danny DeVito’s take on Oswald Cobblepot is strikingly similar to his portrayal, with his Penguin’s voice accompanying dialogue read like a natural match. As the Burtonverse expands in the ongoing series Batman 89, it’s unlikely the two villains will be together again, considering how Batman Returns concluded. However, fans can currently read Pfeiffer’s approved romance between Catwoman and the Penguin from the mind of Danny DeVito in Gotham City Villains: Anniversary Giant #1.
