Cyclops’ Secret Triumph Proves Why He’s the Greatest Living Superhero

Cyclops’ Secret Triumph Proves Why He’s the Greatest Living Superhero

Fans are often split when it comes to the subject of the X-Men’s leader, Cyclops. Over the years Scott Summers has been both loathed and loved by Marvel fans. His actions have not always been popular, but the way he handled the suffering of one unimportant mutant proves that he is the best living superhero in comics today.

In 2001’s New X-Men #115, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly, Cyclops, Wolverine and another mutant named Ugly John are captured by Cassandra Nova. Despite being a mutant with no powers, Ugly John is unspeakably tortured, simply for what he is. This is the sort of injustice that is directly against Professor X’s dream for mutants, and it’s the very thing Scott has been raised to stop. So when Cyclops finally frees himself he chooses to use his deadly powers to end Ugly John’s suffering. That is not an easy thing for anyone to do, let alone a person who has sworn to save others. Yet, this small act of mercy speaks volumes about the character and strength of the X-Men leader. Many heroes like Superman have a no kill rule, yet in a situation like the one with Ugly John, that is a selfish policy, as it means they would not kill to end someone’s suffering. Cyclops demonstrates his heroism by understanding the complexity of his choices, and also by stopping at nothing to save those around him—even if it is posthumously.

Before they were captured Cyclops promised Ugly John that he would ferry him to safety, and when he couldn’t do that Scott did something that many other heroes would not, he ended the man’s pain. For most heroes this would be the tragic end of the terrible story, but Cyke has never been one to give up on people. It is later revealed in 2022’s X-Men #8 by Gerry Dugan and Javier Pina that Ugly John is alive on Krakoa, thanks to the X-Men’s resurrection protocols, but the man’s only power is to have three heads and nothing else. On Krakoa resurrections are prioritized for the most important and powerful members of mutant society, and a mutant like Ugly John would not have ever made it to the top of the list without intervention. Scott fought to have him brought back to life. He fulfilled his promise to bring the mutant to safety, because Cyclops understands how it feels to be helpless.

Cyclops’ Secret Triumph Proves Why He’s the Greatest Living Superhero
Cyclops Ugly John 2
X-Men Ugly John Info

Thanks to his power, Scott is condemned to always keep his eyes closed or covered to protect those around him. His optic blasts are a deadly curse that means he will never lead a normal life. That is a severe disability, but Cyclops overcame his weakness and used his power to inspire and help his fellow mutants. Because of his own history he knows what it’s like to suffer, and in New X-Men #115, he proves that he is strong enough to end someone’s suffering too. Cyclops has made many mistakes and has not always been the hero he should be. He has lost friends, family, and of course Jean Grey, but all his failures have also taught him to make hard choices, to never give up on helping people, and —unlike some other heroes— to not see the world in simplistic terms of black and white.

Whether you love or hate Cyclops, X-Men fans know there is no denying that he is a man who will protect those around them, whether they be an X-Men, or just a powerless innocent. Other heroes are so caught up in their own symbolism, they become unwilling to kill for any reason, including mercy. In contrast, if Scott Summers fails someone, he’ll stop their suffering, then help forge a nation to bring them back to safety. Cyclops is one of the greatest living superheroes because has no limits in what he’ll do to save others.