Cyborg’s Extreme Inhuman Form Reveals His Heartbreaking Worst Fear

Cyborg’s Extreme Inhuman Form Reveals His Heartbreaking Worst Fear

Warning! Contains spoilers for Knight Terrors: Titans #1!Beloved Titans member Cyborg shows what he truly fears as he’s trapped in a bad dream he can’t wake up from. As Knight Terrors haunts the DC Universe, fans get insight into Vic Stone’s struggles to hold onto his humanity.

In Knight Terrors: Titans #1 by Andrew Constant and Scott Godlewski, the team has been hit by Insomnia’s Nightmare Wave and is trapped in a bad dream. An unnamed woman breaks her way through the floorboards of a creepy, old house, and is called to by a mysterious voice who helps her navigate her way through a sprawling building.

Cyborg’s Extreme Inhuman Form Reveals His Heartbreaking Worst Fear

The woman treads carefully through the dark hallways as she happens upon a door marked with a gear. She walks inside and discovers a glowing pyramid made out of a tangled mass of wires. The woman presses through, digging her way to the inside of the pyramid, where she discovers Vic. Sitting on a throne of cables, Cyborg has been almost completely stripped of his humanity as he repeats the phrase “All that I am.“. The woman breaks out a mirror to remind Vic that he’s still human, breaking him of his terrible nightmare.

Cyborg Still Struggles Seeing Himself as Human

Cyborg Knight Terrors Form DC

Knight Terrors is DC Comics’ summer event, and it’s forcing nearly every hero and villain to confront the worst fears they can imagine. A metahuman known as Insomnia has cast a sleeping spell that’s hit everyone on Earth, putting them in the Nightmare Realm to be tormented by horrifying dreams. Memories of the past, regretful actions and more have manifested as physical threats in the twisted world, exposing everyone’s darkest fears.

It’s no surprise that Cyborg’s biggest fear relates to him losing himself in a swath of technology. Ever since his accident, Vic has struggled to see himself as human. Cyborg has come a long way since his body had to be replaced with advanced tech and is one of the few heroes in the DCU to be both a Justice League member and a Titan. However, Vic still laments his lot in life and occasionally expresses a desire for the life he had before he was Cyborg. His vision in the Nightmare Realm shows just how deeply this feeling is rooted. No matter how many times Vic has attempted to move on, part of him still believes he’s lost his connection to humanity.

Cyborg Can’t Help But Focus on the Past

Cyborg Tech DC Comics

Cyborg is lucky to have the Titans in his life, as his friends are always there to remind him that he’s as human as the rest of them. But it’s hard to shake an event as traumatic as what Vic went through. It might have been years, but Cyborg’s enhancements fundamentally changed who he is. It’s no surprise that on some level he believes the tech is all he is. Hopefully, after Knight Terrors is over, Vic can do some introspection to finally move past these negative feelings. Fans can see more of Cyborg’s worst fears in Knight Terrors: Titans #1, on sale now.