15 Powerpuff Girls Quotes That Prove Girls Rule

15 Powerpuff Girls Quotes That Prove Girls Rule

The revival of The Powerpuff Girls a few years back gave a new generation of kids the chance to experience the same entertainment the previous one had in their younger days. Although the show is generally geared towards girls, it would be incorrect to say that boys don’t watch it either, as all age groups and genders get a kick out of this series.

What the show did best back in the day, though, was prove that girls do rule, and, through the use of three super-beings who both beat bad guys and still went to nursery school, fans got superb moments galore.

Updated on July 19th, 2022 by Tanner Fox: Cartoon Network’s recent reboot of the beloved cartoon series The Powerpuff Girls may have come to a conclusion in 2019, but the franchise has yet to fade from the pop-culture consciousness. From reruns to fan art to the live-action CW series that’s been in limbo for some time, the world hasn’t seen the last of The Powerpuff Girls, though it’s hard to know when they’ll next appear.

Of course, the many lessons both the reboot and the original run taught audiences contributed to the show’s staying power, and the trio of sugar, spice and everything nice aren’t about to let fans forget that girls rule.

Pretty As A Picture

“I’m gonna be the prettiest girl at the party!” – Bubbles

15 Powerpuff Girls Quotes That Prove Girls Rule

Nowadays, media will have girls believe they always need to be stern and rather uptight, shunning the feminine qualities they have. However, Bubbles is a great example where one can see how amazing someone can be by accepting their femininity.

In this episode, Blossom and Buttercup were exasperated with Bubbles wanting to spend extra time brushing her hair so she’d look the prettiest at a party. While her sisters came across as judgmental—at least, in this instance—fans loved Bubbles more because she was sure of herself by finding delight in prepping herself up.

Buttercup Being The Bigger Person

“I’m… sorry!” – Buttercup

A close-up of Buttercup from the animated cartoon series The Powerpuff Girls.

Powerpuff Girls fans are well aware of buttercup being the meanest out of the three sisters, and, while she isn’t outright mean in most of her appearances, she does have a bad side when she’s not feeling the nicest.

This is why it was a big deal when she finally did apologize to someone. For a character like Blossom or Bubbles, an apology isn’t really a big thing, as these two know when they’re wrong and aren’t that stubborn. Buttercup, on the other hand, reluctantly apologized in this particular episode, which was a huge development of character. Although it was played for laughs, it showed that an apology shouldn’t come with a bruised ego.

Girls Don’t Cry

“It takes a lot more than a couple of cheap shots to make us cry.” – Buttercup

The great thing about having a character like Buttercup in the ‘90s and the early-2000s was that she was among the first to defy some long-held superhero stereotypes. Back then, female superheroes weren’t often seen, and, when they were, they would be very provocative.

This made Buttercup a trailblazer, as she didn’t need to resort to being a girly girl and could talk tough with the big boys. Despite having the same powers as her sisters, Buttercup’s image was one of strength, and a quote such as this proved she wasn’t one to cry easily.

Wisdom From Blossom

“Being a Powerpuff Girl isn’t about getting your way. It’s about using your own unique abilities to help people and the world we all live in.” – Blossom

A still from an episode of The Powerpuff Girls.

The girls’ roles complemented each other perfectly, with Blossom being a necessary character in order to make the girls a cohesive unit. This led to Blossom being the voice of reason not just in-universe, but for the audience, as well.

The character of Princess was meant to represent entitled brats who exploited their privileges, and Blossom spoke here by telling her—and the viewers—that having a certain privilege didn’t make them better than anyone else. Rather, it was what they did with their power that made them stand out.

Hardcore Powerpuff

“I’ll prove that I can be… hardcore!” – Bubbles

Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup The Powerpuff Girls

At times, everyone feels as if they have something to prove—perhaps not only to their peers, but also to themselves. Bubbles is the sweet sister, the “sugar” that goes along with the “spice and everything nice.” She gets tired of the patronizing attitude that she gets from others—even her sisters—and, when her tough side comes out, it’s overwhelming.

Not only did Bubbles have that power the whole time, but, when it was tapped in the episode “Bubblevicious,” she was lethal—although it threatened to throw off the established dynamic of the trio.

Badass Blossom

“Don’t you know you can never beat us?” – Blossom

A still from the intro to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon series.

This sounds as if Blossom was being arrogant, but the context of the scene was anything but that. In this scene, Him had the girls beaten by taking over a dark future where the girls had gone missing, leading to our heroes being wracked with grief.

This was why it was so important to hear Blossom say that Him still couldn’t beat them, as it was the one bright spot in a scenario where everything was its darkest. Deep in her heart, Blossom’s leadership ability had some life in it, so that she could still rally her sisters in a moment where all seemed lost.

The Powerpuff Girls Prevail

“And we’re not afraid of anything as long as we have each other.” – Blossom

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls series.

Our greatest enemies aren’t monsters; they’re often our own worst fears appearing in dreams and nightmares. That’s what happens in this episode “Power-Noia” when the girls find out that the true foe wasn’t the creature they fought, but their own inner demons.

Blossom rallies her sisters as they band together to defeat the evil HIM and their own worst fears in this inspiring quote.

“Those people aren’t our loved ones. Our loved ones would never want to hurt us!” – Buttercup

A still from the original run of The Poewrpuff Girls.

Sometimes it’s hard to face the truth, especially when that truth is painful and unpleasant. When the citizens of Townsville turn against the girls in the episode “Tough Love,” they have to recognize what’s really happening in order to defend themselves.

It turns out that the animosity of the local folks was really one of HIM’s evil plots, but the girls used their unity to defeat the villain. The episode offered a powerful message that taught audiences who they can rely on when the going gets tough.

Confident Bubbles

“There’s nothing wrong with talking to yourself.” – Bubbles

Bubbles as she appears in the 2016 reboot of The Powerpuff Girls.

Her sisters often consider Bubbles to be off in her own little Bubbles Land doing her own little Bubbles thing and being blissfully ignorant of reality, but that’s not always a bad thing. At least Bubbles was enjoying her life, no matter if she was in relative denial.

If talking to oneself is comforting, then what’s the downside to it? It’s even a good way to bolster your confidence if you speak out loud and try to gather your thoughts. While some people might seem kooky, it doesn’t make them stupid.


“Don’t Call Me Princess.” – Buttercup

Buttercup as she appears in the 2016 reboot of The Powerpuff Girls.

Fan reaction to the 2016 Powerpuff Girls reboot was, as is often the case with rehashings of beloved cartoon properties, mixed. However, the girls at least retained the personality traits for which they were known, something Buttercup displayed early on when she thwarted a villain who was obsessed with “manliness.”

While it was a bit of an on-the-nose portrayal of girl power, Buttercup took objection to being labeled a “princess” and promptly thrashed the antagonizer. It was anything but subtle, but the moment clearly displayed why Buttercup is not meant to be trifled with.

Life Lessons

“I guess we shouldn’t judge people by what they look like.” – Blossom

Blossom as she appears in the 2016 reboot of The Powerpuff Girls.

At its heart, The Powerpuff Girls is still a children’s show, which means it was going to dole out life lessons to its viewers. While the show could have the heroes beat villains all the livelong day, fans wouldn’t have learned anything if there wasn’t a moral behind these stories.

In one episode, Blossom had her superhero goggles on once again and started seeing a simple situation as if it were a case, leading her to accuse those she saw as shifty to be bad guys. She learned by the end of the episode not to judge a book by its cover, proving having superpowers doesn’t mean instant maturity.

Live And Let Live

“You should do what you want to do.” – Bubbles

Bubbles sleeping in an episode of the original run of The Powerpuff Girls cartoon series.

Talking to Octi, a stuffed Octopus, was therapeutic for Bubbles. It enabled her to share her doubts and feelings with someone when she felt that she had no one else in whom to confide. She’d still believe that the toy spoke to her, though, and would be known to hand out mature insights to those around her.

At first, it may sound like contradictory advice to a young audience; children are typically taught to do as authority figures tell them. However, Bubbles—by way of a stuffed octopus—reminds viewers that, no matter what, they are independent people who needn’t always be beheld to the whims of those around them.

Jojo’s Mojo

“She is our sister. And as sisters, we have an intrinsic duty; to uphold peace.” – Blossom

Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls series.

Even when the girls have to fight their loved ones, that doesn’t mean abandoning them. When Bubbles gets a head injury in the episode “Los Dos Mojos” and thinks she’s the antagonist Mojo Jojo, her sisters have to find a way to save her.

Ironically, it’s Mojo Jojo himself that mocks her back to her normal self. Bubbles takes care of Mojo on her own, but she was able to succeed because her sisters were backing her up.

Powerpuff Protein Powder

“Look at these muscles! This is what fighting is all about!” – Buttercup

A still of Buttercup flexing.

Bubbles is a determined pacifist who almost always prefers to broker peace before resorting to violence, and Blossom is an even-keel leader who knows when to both diplomacy and destruction. By contrast, Buttercup is an eager fighter who prefers to shoot first and ask questions later, something that’s often written off as a character flaw.

While her hot-headedness may mean that she’s not especially well-suited for all circumstances, she can definitely back what she says. It’s true that the titular trio doesn’t appear to be particularly muscular, but, with the ability to smash through walls and send enemies flying with a single punch, few would be daring enough to stand in Buttercup’s way.

Baking With Blossom

“If you can’t take the heat, then stay out of the kitchen!” – Blossom

When the girls travel to Mount Neverest in the episode “Members Only” to join the Association of World Super Men (AWSM), the existing members refuse to take them seriously. Despite excelling in every test, the girls are still denied membership based on the fact that they’re girls.

After listening to a few patronizing speeches, Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup end up saving the AWSM from the alien robot Mascumax. By the end, the AWSM has been disbanded and reformed under the new name, Society of Associated Puffketeers. Girls really do rule!