Cruella’s Timeline: How Long Before 101 Dalmatians Is It Set?

Cruella’s Timeline: How Long Before 101 Dalmatians Is It Set?

Cruella gives the iconic Disney villain Cruella de Vil an origin story, so how long before the events of 101 Dalmatians is it set? The film industry is defined by trends, and one of the most popular ones in recent years is live-action versions of animated movies. Disney in particular has taken advantage of this and given the live-action treatment to some of its animated classics, and it has also picked specific characters to give them their solo adventures. Falling into the latter category is Cruella de Vil, who was granted an origin story in her own live-action movie.

Simply titled Cruella, the movie takes the audience many years before Cruella de Vil (played by Emma Stone) became the feared heiress seen in 101 Dalmatians to explore her younger years and how she became the popular Disney villain. Cruella’s life wasn’t easy, and in an effort to make a name for herself in the world of fashion and bring down Baroness von Hellman (Emma Thompson), she discovers a big secret about her past. Cruella was one of many Disney projects affected by the coronavirus pandemic and ended up skipping a theatrical release and was instead sent to Disney+ through Premier Access, and is finally available to stream for everyone at no extra cost.

Although Cruella is all about how Estella became the feared Cruella de Vil and sets the basis for the villain everyone knows so well, the movie took some time to make some quick references to 101 Dalmatians, as is the presence of Roger (Kayvan Novak) and Anita (Kirby Howell-Baptiste), though both in minor roles. Cruella also sets up 101 Dalmatians in a post-credits scene, where Cruella sends a dalmatian puppy named Pongo to Roger and one named Perdita to Anita, as the Baroness’ dalmatians had their own puppies. This, however, messes with the timeline, as Cruella is set in the 1970s, while the live-action version of 101 Dalmatians (with Glenn Close as de Vil) is set in the 1990s.

Cruella’s Timeline: How Long Before 101 Dalmatians Is It Set?

However, 101 Dalmatians has two versions: the animated movie and the live-action one. The aforementioned movie with Glenn Close as Cruella de Vil was released in 1996 and the sequel, appropriately titled 102 Dalmatians, was released in 2000, with both stories set in the years they were released. The animated movie, on the other hand, was released in 1961 and according to a newspaper briefly seen in one scene, it’s set in 1958, so it doesn’t fit Cruella’s timeline. However, and even though 101 Dalmatians was set up in the aforementioned post-credits scene, it doesn’t make sense that there’s a 20-year gap between it and Cruella, as Perdita and Pongo, and not even Anita and Roger, could be part of it. Of course, if Disney wants to give 101 Dalmatians another chance with a live-action adaptation linked to Cruella, it would have to change the year it’s set in, thus creating a new timeline.

However, with Cruella 2 confirmed, it’s unlikely a new adaptation of 101 Dalmatians will happen (or, at least, not as soon as some would like), as Cruella left many unanswered questions that a sequel would have to solve before it can jump to Cruella’s infamous days as the spoiled heiress who wanted to skin dalmatians for their fur. Cruella being set in the 1970s allowed for an interesting and fitting origin story for the title character, but it messes with the overall timeline of 101 Dalmatians, and it’s to be seen what Disney will do with that.