Crops Minecraft Needs To Add (& Why)

Crops Minecraft Needs To Add (& Why)

Currently there are a handful of crops players can farm in Minecraft to sustain their adventures throughout the world. With crop options like wheat, carrots, potatoes and pumpkins among others, as well as crops that can only be found in the Nether, players can create a small collection of sustainable resources for cooking and crafting basic recipes. Minecraft may benefit from adding more crop options however, especially if the base game wants to compete with modpacks.

Adding an item like corn to go along with wheat could open some possibilities for interchangeable benefits. Corn could be ground into cornmeal using the crafting table, which could then be used like wheat as animal feed for Minecraft cows and pigs, as well as an ingredient for cornbread as a higher level food item. Corn could also be used as fish bait for fishing, or used to lure in wild animals, making it easier to capture them. Corn would have many edible and practical Minecraft uses.

Flax may also be a useful Minecraft resource for players. Flax could be harvested and crafted into a number of things players need regularly. Thread could be used as a repair item for leather armor, or spun into linen tunics and pants for a very low level, easy to access armor type. Flax could also be used to make one of Minecraft’s more important items, string. String is used to make fishing poles, leads, wool blocks, and much more. Flax seeds could also be used as an easy, low recovery source of nutrition like dried kelp.

Minecraft Could Add New Recipes With New Crop Types

Crops Minecraft Needs To Add (& Why)

Protein comes from animals in Minecraft, with the player taming and raising cattle, pigs, and chickens to have access to better quality food. However, if Minecraft added soybeans as a crop type, players wouldn’t have to kill their cows to have access to good eating. Soybeans would provide a high protein snack for players, and 9 beans could be crafted into a tofu brick. The beans could also be roasted to make a quick snack for players to take on the road. Minecraft would also be able to implement an item like a presser, which would allow players to squeeze things like soybeans to get soymilk, giving players many alternate, animal free, sources of sustenance.

Currently crop options, and recipes that use crop items, are lacking for farming fans. Players rely on Minecraft modpacks like Pam’s Harvest Craft to integrate better crops, farming mechanics and recipes to enrich the players culinary experience. Because food is necessary for survival, having more options would make gathering, growing and cooking food more fun. Minecraft has continued to expand mobs, ore and other features through updates, and a farming based update would be an interesting prospect for future base game content.