Coyote Vs. Acme Cancellation: Damning Report Reveals WB Will Shelve Movie After Execs Skipped Seeing It

A new report reveals that Warner Bros. has decided to shelve Coyote vs. Acme for good, while also highlighting that executives like CEO David Zaslav never watched the full movie. The animated/live-action hybrid based on the Looney Tunes franchise was initially cancelled by Warner Bros. in November 2023 for tax purposes, despite production being complete. However, following public outcry, the studio reversed their decision, opting to sell it to interesting streaming services.

Now, TheWrap reports the release of Coyote vs. Acme will no longer be happening, with Warner Bros. potentially planning to shelve the film permanently. the studio wanted somewhere between $75 to $80 million from interested buyers, rejecting the ability for any of them to give counteroffers. While bidding parties believed the film would be a success, negotiations allegedly fell apart.

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