Constellation Just Made The Show’s Different Universes More Confusing, But There’s A Way To Fix It

Constellation Just Made The Show’s Different Universes More Confusing, But There’s A Way To Fix It

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Constellation episodes 1-7.Constellation episode 7, “Through the Looking Glass,” took the narrative to the next level and teased the answers to at least some of the show’s questions, but it also added another reason to be confused. Constellation‘s two alternate timelines are starting to become slightly easier to differentiate between. However, recent events involving a certain member of the Constellation cast have hindered certain aspects of that understanding. That being said, there is still a light in the dark of the confusing landscape that is the Apple TV+ sci-fi drama.

“Through the Looking Glass” does a great job of not only toying with the perceptions of the characters but also with the show’s audience. The mind-bending thriller has been intentionally difficult to follow ever since the first episode, but some of the more complex storylines and plot twists are starting to become much clearer. Although certain parts of the fictional universe may now not be so elusive, the ending of Constellation episode 7 makes sure the show maintains its cerebral approach going into the finale.

Constellation Just Made The Show’s Different Universes More Confusing, But There’s A Way To Fix It


Constellation’s Weird Baby Wipes Scene Is Surprisingly Accurate To Real Life

Constellation has taken many steps to make sure its mind-bending story is as believable as possible, and the baby wipe scene is no exception.

Bud & Henry’s Switch In Constellation Episode 7 Means The Universe Names Don’t Make Sense Anymore

“Bud’s universe” no longer has a specific meaning

Constellation has yet to give official designations to the alternate realities shown throughout the story. Instead, the universes have set themselves apart from one another by establishing key differences between the two planes of existence. One of the most notable is the fact that one universe is home to Bud Caldera, and the other is the native reality of Henry Caldera. As such, “Bud’s universe” and “Henry’s universe” have become unofficial shorthand among certain viewers. However, the recent of between Bud and Henry has turned this formula on its head.

Both Jonathon Banks characters look and sound identical, but their disparate demeanors because of what happened on Apollo 18 in Constellation have so far been a quick and easy way of referring to a specific reality. Now, calling what was once “Bud’s universe” by that name doesn’t make sense. Henry’s confession to Magnus that he has experienced something similar to Jo in the past also adds an extra layer of confusion to the whole situation. The implication is that Henry and Bud had already swapped realities, and the change in Constellation episode 7 was simply resetting the switch.

The CAL Now Needs To Be Used When Referring To Constellation’s Universes

Bud and Henry’s recent switch leaves the CAL as the only reliable reference point

Henry’s efforts after returning from the Apollo 18 mission with a living crew are what led to the development of the Cold Atomic Laboratory – otherwise known as the CAL. Inversely, the Apollo disaster that Bud experienced meant his career didn’t follow the same path as his counterpart. As a result, there is no CAL in the universe in which Paul Lancaster is trapped. Although Jo’s first experience with the CAL was after she had crossed into her new reality, she now shares a universe with the enigmatic equipment.

There’s also arguably the matter of whether Alice speaks Swedish, which is another difference between the two parallel universes. However, that specific signifier isn’t as reliable as the presence of the CAL. The Alices in “Through the Looking Glass” look as though they are somehow crossing back and forth between both realities. In addition, the episode ends ambiguously, with one possibility being that the Alices have also swapped places with the help of the Valya.

The Bud/Henry Switch Helps Reinforce Constellation’s Themes

Constellation thrives on confusion

Constellation is hard to grasp for a reason. It’s difficult to keep track of who belongs where because it reflects Jo’s confusion regarding where she finds herself and how she can get home. It’s no coincidence that in the same episode where Jo finally realizes she’s in the wrong universe, the viewers have a vital reference point removed from the show. So, the switch of Bud and Henry Caldera doesn’t just work well within the context of the story, but also because it imparts Jo’s experience to the audience.

Noomi Rapace smiling as Jo in Consellation


Apple TV+ Already Has The Perfect Sci-Fi Show To Watch After Constellation Ends

Once Constellation is over, AppleTV+ has another sci-adventure that begins shortly after that shares many of the same themes and ideas.

The latest development with Bud and Henry also places extra focus on the CAL. The CAL’s importance in the story has never been in question, but now it seems more important than ever. Jo no longer has Henry to back her up on what she’s been experiencing, so her only hope is to escape and reclaim the CAL. By removing Henry as a potential accomplice, the show makes it clear that the CAL is vital if Jo has any hope of being reunited with her original Alice in the Constellation season 1 finale.

Constellation Season 1 Release Schedule

Episode Number


Release Date (2024)


The Wounded Angel

February 21


Live and Let Die

February 21


Somewhere in Space Hangs My Heart

February 21


The Left Hand of God

February 28


Five Miles Out, the Sound is Clearest

March 6


Paul is Dead

March 13


Through the Looking Glass

March 20


These Fragments I Have Shored Against My Ruin

March 27

Constellation Apple TV Poster Temp



Constellation is a sci-fi psychological thriller written and created by Peter Harness for Apple TV+. After facing a crisis in space, Astronaut Jo returns to Earth only to discover nothing is quite the same – and that her sanity may be slowly slipping from her grasp.


Noomi Rapace
, Jonathan Banks
, James D’Arcy
, Lenn Kudrjawizki
, William Catlett
, barbara sukowa
, Carole Weyers

Release Date

February 21, 2024
