Circuit Breaker Officially Joins the Flash Family, with the Opposite of Speed Powers

Circuit Breaker Officially Joins the Flash Family, with the Opposite of Speed Powers

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #8!Months after his official debut, Circuit Breaker has finally joined the Flash Family. The DC Universe is in serious trouble as cosmic disasters continue to mount and destabilize the timeline. But Jules Jordain and his amazing Still Force powers might be the asset DC’s speedsters need to save the world.

In The Flash #8 by Simon Spurrier, Ramón Pérez and Vasco Georgiev, all hell is breaking loose around the world. Dimensional disasters are piling up everywhere and Wally West is missing. Thankfully, Barry Allen is on the scene, and he’s coordinating the Flash Family’s massive response to the chaos.

Circuit Breaker Officially Joins the Flash Family, with the Opposite of Speed Powers

Barry has also dragged Jules to assist the speedsters and he’s freaking out. The Flash guides Circuit Breaker, imploring him to use his ability to drain the kinetic energies of a hypertime bubble currently setting a town on fire. Though nervous, Circuit Breaker taps into the Still Force to assist Flash.

Circuit Breaker Joins the Flash Family to End the DCU’s Chaos

Flash Compliments Circuit Breaker DC

Jules Jourdain was an average performer until he got caught up in the storm of Lazarus Resin during Lazarus Planet. After being exposed to the resin, Jules gained a connection to the Still Force, the opposite of Flash’s Speed Force. This connection allowed Jules to drain energies from any source and redirect it. After the world went back to normal, Jules mostly stayed out of the way, preferring his life on the stage. However, when the world came under attack during “Beast World”, Circuit Breaker worked alongside the Flash Family to bring order to Central City.

Circuit Breaker isn’t as confident as the rest of the Flash Family, which is fair considering that he hasn’t been a hero as long as Barry, Avery, or even Irey. But despite his nervousness, he steps up and assists the speedsters, putting his unique Still Force powers to work. Not only is it good for the Flash Family to have a more diverse power set in their ranks, but it skirts a problem facing DC’s speedsters. Currently, it’s assumed that speedsters are damaging the world around them with their powers, something Circuit Breaker can avoid thanks to his unique powers.

Circuit Breaker Can Help Mitigate Speedster Damage in the DC Universe

The Flash 10 Pride Variant Cover: Jules Jourdain as Circuit Breaker.

While it remains to be seen if speedsters are actually damaging the world around them, it can be assumed the Circuit Breaker’s powers aren’t. As the Flash Family is running around trying to stop the increasing cosmic devastation in the world, having Jules along for the ride can be a huge asset. By playing a larger role in the Flash Family, the speedsters won’t have to use their powers as much, lessening the damage to the world. Circuit Breaker is going to need a boost of confidence, but for now, he’s becoming a great asset to the Flash Family.

The Flash #8 is on sale now from DC Comics.

The Flash #8 (2024)

Flash 8 Cover Wally Running DC

  • Writer: Simon Spurrier
  • Artist: Ramón Pérez and Vasco Georgiev
  • Colorist: Matt Herms and Sofie Dodgson
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Ramón Pérez