Chucky: The 10 Smartest Characters

Chucky: The 10 Smartest Characters

The newest rendition of the Chucky franchise has been the Syfy television series about the demon doll’s antics. As with any classic-style horror show like Chucky, there are characters of all different levels of intelligence.

Some in the Chucky cast are well-matched with the evil killer, while others see the murderer pushing a cart toward them and proceed to stand there and scream for 30 seconds before being pushed out of a window. But, when it counts, these smartest characters can be trusted to use their brains.

Caroline Cross

Chucky: The 10 Smartest Characters

Caroline is one of the bravest characters on the show, even if she’s not quite clever enough to realize it. For someone so obsessed with Chucky, she doesn’t notice any of his behavior as odd–even when he’s fully sentient playing video games with her.

Caroline is very observant, as evidenced in her artwork, but she doesn’t see the warning signs of Chucky’s evil side. Although, in a “keep your enemies closer” way, her tactics are keeping her safe from him.

Junior Wheeler

Closeup of Junior Wheeler on Chucky

Junior is very academically accomplished, but falls victim to the “ignorance is bliss” trap that many horror characters typically fall into. In order to avoid the status quo of his life changing, Junior dismisses Lexy and her concerns when she confides in him.

He did, however, manage to create a secret alliance with Chucky, which definitely requires intelligence and strategy. His misstep in choosing the losing team reveals he didn’t put much thought into his decision, though.

Bree Wheeler

Bree Wheeler falls to her death on Chucky

Aunt Bree is emotionally and professionally intelligent. She’s a good and caring mom and has better instincts with handling conflict than her husband, Logan. She even acknowledges her need to open up about her illness and actively sees a counselor, while also having a thoughtful and healthy view of life and death.

Bree had the potential to be an integral part of the fight against Chucky: she’s strong and brave. Her flaw was being caught off-guard and not being able to think on her toes when Chucky came to kill her, and that led to her demise.

Detective Evans

Detective Evans talks with Devon on Chucky

Detective Evans was obviously a hardworking law enforcer. She came to the conclusion that anyone else in her place would come to, which was that trouble and death follow Jake around. She’s also progressive and open-minded enough to welcome and love her son, no matter his sexuality.

Detective Evans was a hardworking leader in her field. She would have been a force to be reckoned with if Devin had told her the truth about Chucky. Being blindsided by him ended up being fatal for her.

Devon Evans

Devon grabs Jake by the shoulder on Chucky

Devon is a bright and promising kid. In addition to being a talented musician, he’s also creative and imaginative enough to be able to accept the reality of a killer doll terrorizing his town.

Devon is a large part of the plans to capture and kill Chucky, and his enthusiasm for and research in true crime helped him come up with some genius booby traps and signals for the team. He’s the first to know everything about true crime documentaries that fly under the radar for everyone else, and this gives him a much-needed horror edge.

Jake Wheeler

Jake looks down sadly at a funeral on Chucky

Jake has dealt with some very difficult things over the course of the show and has navigated them as best a teenager can. He’s stayed on top of Chucky’s activities, and actively figured out where he might be going. He also got into contact with Andy about Chucky, which was a smart move.

Although Jake was naive about the consequences of befriending Chucky and ignored all of the horror movie-style red flags, he’s honest and has a decently strong moral compass that helps him figure out the best ways to foil Chucky’s plans and kill him for good.

Tiffany Valentine

Tiffany Valentine moving into her new house on Chucky

Tiffany is intelligent and shows it in different ways. For starters, her bubbly and vivacious personality makes people underestimate how calculated and violent she can be. She knows how to read a room and was smart enough to know how to charm Chucky.

She’s also very observant and can read people well, which she proves when she figures out that Nica was conscious instead of Chucky when they were playing cards. She’s even been involved in a master plan with Chucky from the get-go and has gone undetected by law enforcement.

Lexy Cross

Lexy shines a flashlight in fear on Chucky

Lexy may have seemed like a vapid high school bully at first, but it’s revealed over time that her “above it all” personality isn’t without intelligence. Lexy has come head-to-head with Chucky the most out of everyone on the show, and has out-fought and outsmarted him every time.

Lexy is the analytical one of the group, even thinking to get rid of the rest of Caroline’s dolls in case Chucky transferred his consciousness into one of them. She’s forward-thinking and one of the few people that could truly kill Chucky.

Andy Barclay

Andy Barclay acts as a census taker on Chucky

Andy is Chucky’s strongest enemy, which makes a lot of sense because he’s been fighting the serial killer doll the longest. Not only does he have the experience over the rest of the Chucky characters, but it’s also revealed that he studied Chucky by keeping an intact possessed head and researching it.

Andy knows Chucky’s personality and weaknesses, making him the most knowledgeable one in the fight against him. With his expertise, he adds another intelligent member to the team.

Chucky/Charles Lee Ray

Chucky wielding a knife on Chcuky

Chucky has outsmarted a lot of people for many years of his life. He started murdering people at an early age and was never caught. He and Tiffany have murdered people in broad daylight on the street and have never been suspected of anything.

As a doll, Chucky has been equally clever. He’s always a step ahead of the kids, has murdered people with loads of potential witnesses, and convinces people to indulge in their murderous anger.